06; Gabe De Guzman

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It has been a terrible day so far, and it was only around 3 o'clock. Everyone was mad at me, why? I'm not positive, but I've been pretty annoying the past week. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Boy squad especially. I was currently at a birthday party for Tati's little cousin.

Boy squad sat on the other side of the table from me. I was just sitting there, on my phone while everyone else was laughing and having fun. I felt like crying a couple of times, but I was not in the mood for everyone to be asking me what was wrong.

Just as more people started to come to the party, the boys and Kayhanati got up to go play games. Tati's auntie offered me some tokens, but I just wanted to go home.

Finally, bored out of my mind, I accepted some of the tokens and just decided to get up and play a couple of games. I figured I was being rude, just sitting here on my phone.

I walked over to the ski ball machine, since it was the first thing in sight. After playing a couple of rounds, the one and only Gabe came up to the booth next to me. I tried not to look at him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

Uncomfortable, I finished ski ball and walked over to a claw machine. Once again, the Filipino boy showed up to the machine next to me. Sighing, I looked at him quickly. He was just staring at me. I gave him a soft smile, worried he was just gonna roll his eyes and walk away. To my surprise, he smiled back. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I loved Gabe, he was my favorite person ever. When I found out they were mad at me, I was more upset because Gabe was mad at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and nodded softly.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I feel terrible." He frowned. My heart exploded with joy. He was actually talking to me now.

"That's okay." I gave him another soft smile, turning my attention back to the game. Out if my peripheral vision, I could see Tati, Kaycee, and Tahani staring at us. I became nervous.

"Gabe!" Tati yelled. We both looked over at her, she waved her hand, signaling for him to come to her. My chest tightened. He was leaving me again.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Gabe said softly, placing his hand on my lower back while he made his way over to Tati. I sighed as I lost the game, walking over to a Spin-n-Win.

As I suspected, Gabe didn't come back. Occasionally, I looked around to see him with either boy squad or the girls. I decided I would leave after we had cake and ice cream, I couldn't stand to be here anymore.

Just as I had finished another round of ski-ball, Tati's auntie yelled "cake and ice cream!"

I sat down on the same end of the table, my head rested on my hand, which was supported by my elbow on the table. I sensed someone sit next to me, and sure enough it was the Filipino boy who I really needed right now.

"I'm sorry for leaving you again, Tati wouldn't let me come back to you." He looked guilty, I softly smiled.

"It's fine, Gabe." The lump in my throat formed again, and I really thought I was going to cry in front of Gabe. I looked down, forcing myself to calm down.

"No, it's not. You sat here the whole time by yourself." He ran his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was frustrated.

"Gabe!" Kaycee yelled. We looked at her. "Come sit over here while we eat cake!"

I sighed again. Gabe was gonna sit over there with her, and I'd be left alone again.

Surprisingly, Gabe shook his head 'no'. "I'm gonna sit over here with y/n." He smiled.

I smiled back. He was so sweet. Kayhanati including some of the Boy Squad gave him dirty looks.

"Ignore them." He chuckled, nudging my shoulder.

I smiled again. This boy is seriously going to give me a heart attack by the time the day is over. He's so attractive. I thought.

"I'm so what?" He smirked. I said that out loud! I mentally slapped myself in the face.

"Sorry," I apologized, looking down at my plate, embarrassed.

"Don't be, I think you're pretty attractive too." He had the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

We stared at each other, my heart beating at a million miles per minute.

Everyone started to leave, so I guess it was time to go.

"I'll see you later," Gabe grinned.

He kissed my cheek. "FaceTime me tonight," Gabe whispered in my ear, his lips just barely grazing my ear, but still enough to send shivers down my spine. Then, he stood up and left.

I smiled. I could feel the girls' eyes on me, but I didn't care. Gabe had just kissed my cheek. The small gesture made my heart stop.

I'm so bad at these lmfao. What did you think? :/

Love always,


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