for tamera; sean lew ✓

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I squirmed in my spot on the floor, a sudden wave of nausea hitting me. It was my first dance class with the Matt Steffanina.

Although I was very excited, I was scared that I might mess up the choreography in front of everyone. Thankfully, he wasn't filming any videos today.

I didn't know anyone in this class, considering it was my first time here. The students here seemed nice though, and I recognized a few of them from Matt's videos.

"Okay guys! Before we start, I just want you guys to know that my buddy here, Sean, helped choreograph a lot of this routine to let's be sure to thank him as well," Matt said, patting Sean on the pat softly.

The class started cheering, and then everyone spread out on the studio floor. I tried to find a spot near the back, but close enough to where I could see.

"Anyone new here?" Matt asked, scanning he crowd through he mirror. Sean stood next to him, scanning the students as well.

Shyly, I raised my hand slowly and looked around. There was only two other boys who hand their hands raised.

"Great!" Matt said enthusiastically. "Why don't you guys come up to to front, so you can see."

Sighing softly, I scrambled my way towards the front of the class, keeping my head down the entire time.

"What's your name, kiddo?" Matt asked with a soft smile on his face, his hand on top of my head.

"Tamera," I said, just loud enough for him to hear.

"This is Tamera everyone! Let's make sure to make her feel welcome." He introduced me to the whole class.

"This is my assistant Sean, you've probably seen him in some videos before, yeah?"

Sean looked at me and smiled, waving softly. I did the same, but a slightly softer wave.

"You'll do great, Tamera, just come to me if you need any help, okay?" Sean grinned, raising his eyebrows at me.

He's nice. Maybe we can be friends. I thought to myself.

"Sure," I replied, smiling shyly.

Soon enough, we were almost done with the choreography. Matt and Sean were just making their rounds around the class, checking to see whether anyone needed any help.

There was one move I just simply didn't understand, though. I was too embarrassed to ask for help, because everyone had already moved on from this move.

Growing frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair and groaned, trying to take it step by step.

"Need some help?" It was Sean. He stood next to me, smiling with his hands clasped together.

"I-I.. Don't know? I just don't understand- how do you move your leg that way and your arm the other way?" I groaned once again, attempting the choreo again.

Sean chuckled softly, moving closer to me. He grabbed my arm, but stopped. He gave me a look as if asking, may I?

I nodded softly, urging him to continue.

Sean then twisted my arm one way, my leg the other.

"Okay, so when you're in this position, you're gonna move your arm and leg inward really fast, the outwards again, got it?"

I looked in the mirror and nodded, attempting the move once more. Slowly, I was starting to get it.

"Thank you!" I smiled at Sean, jumping up and down slightly. He chuckled at my actions.

"Alright! Let's put it all together guys!" Matt yelled, smiling as he took his place at the front again.

"Dance next to me," Sean smirked, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his area.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, blushing slightly. All he did was nod.

As I stood there waiting for the music to start, Sean started jumping up and down slightly to hype himself up.

Damn, does he go off.

I couldn't help but steal a glance at him through the mirror every few seconds, I just wanted to watch him dance.

Weird, I had just met him today, but I had a feeling we were gonna be good friends. As least I hoped.

15 minutes passed and everyone was getting ready to leave. I sat on the floor, waiting for my mom to tell me she was here.

Suddenly, someone sat down next to me. I looked up, and sure enough it was Sean.

"Come tomorrow, yeah?" The taller boy smiled softly.

"I'll try," then my phone dinged, my mom telling me she was outside.

"That's my ride," I told him, smiling.

"Alright," he stood up, and I did the same. "Bye Tamera, see you tomorrow hopefully."

He opened his arms, inviting me into a hug. I happily accepted, inhaling his scent.

"You did great today, by the way," as we pulled away he took his phone out of his pocket, opening the contacts app and clicking 'new contact'.

Sean looked at me hopefully, handing his phone to me. I laughed as I took it, entering my number.

"I'll, uh, text you tonight?"

I nodded, smiling at him and walking out of the studio. The class had gone better than I expected.

hi @tamerasvoice , im sorry this sucked. it was a lot cuter in my mind. nonetheless, i hoped you liked it :)

love always,


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