21; Sean Lew- part two

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     The next few weeks had been going pretty well for Aleya and Sean. They had been had hanging out a lot more often now, and had been on about 4 or 5 dates.
     Sean planned on asking her to be his official girlfriend in a few days. But for right now, they were at his house watching a movie since it was raining pretty hard. Strange for LA.
     "That tickles," Aleya giggled as Sean played with her hair. The older boy rolled his eyes playfully, continuing to play with her hair. Sean could feel himself slowly falling in love with her, but he didn't mind.
     Being infatuated with Aleya was awesome. She made him very happy. Sean had never been in love before, and he had a feeling it wasn't going to be perfect. But, once again, Aleya made him very happy, so he was willing to take this risk.
"Do you want me to make you anything to eat?" Sean asked. It was useless, though, because Aleya had fallen asleep with her head on Sean's lap. One of her arms was snuggled up around Sean's waist, while the other hand was gripping his shirt, as if she'd let go and he'd magically disappear.
Sean couldn't help but stare. It was quiet, besides the tv and the rain. All Sean could really hear was her light breathing. It was only then that the older boy realized just how late it was.
Although he didn't want to bother Aleya, so he adjusted them so that they were both laying down long way on the couch. Eventually, Sean fell asleep himself.
     Their nap had lasted only about an hour and a half. Aleya awoke at around 4:30pm, wondering who the warm body pressed up against her was. It didn't take long to figure out it was Sean. His mouth was open slightly, soft snores escaping his plump, pink lips.
     Aleya had a strong urge to kiss him right then. She had a feeling he'd wake up and get weirded out, but she couldn't help herself.
     Before she knew it, Aleya's lips were connecting with Sean's. She pulled away about 3 seconds later though, afraid of the older boys reaction. Sean stirred in his sleep slightly before slowly opening his eyes.
     Aleya's eyes widened, which confused Sean.
     "What's wrong?" The older boy asked, sitting up slightly. The smaller girls cheeks grew red, and for some reason she looked embarrassed.
     "Nothing, um.. nothing. Do you want to eat something? Maybe we can watch another movie," she panicked.
    The girls frantic behavior made Sean nervous. She was talking too fast, and Sean was still a little groggy from their nap.
    "What's wrong, Aleya?" He asked, more firmly this time. The older boy stood up to grab her arm to stop her from pacing.
     "I kissed you," she blurted out. Immediately, her hand flew up to her mouth as if it was cover up what she just admitted. Sean's mouth opened slightly, as if shocked. Aleya's cheeks grew far too red to go unnoticed, so she tried to walk away from Sean to hide in the bathroom.
     Unfortunately, Sean is a lot stronger than he looks. Before Aleya could run off, the taller boy spun her body around so that they were facing one another.
     Aleya refused to look at him. She knew her cheeks were as red as a tomato, and she could feel her leg bouncing up and down—something she did when she was nervous.
     "Do you want to do it again?"
     Aleya froze, her lips parting slightly as she slowly looked up at the taller boy.
     "Kiss me, I mean. Do you want to kiss me again? Now that I'm awake," Sean spoke. He wasn't even trying to purposely tease her, but he was slightly annoyed with himself for not waking up when it happened.
     Aleya didn't say anything, rather she just stared at Sean's lips. Unconsciously, her arms wrapped around Sean's waist. The butterflies were swarming in her stomach, and she was sure that Sean could hear her heart pounding.
     Smirking, Sean grabbed Aleya's hips with one hand and brought the other up to her cheek, stroking it with his thumb for a second.
     Kiss me already, idiot! She thought.
     As if Sean could read her mind, he licked his lips slowly, teasingly. The smaller girl was growing impatient. Finally, he began to lean in. He stopped when their noses were touching, before smirking to himself once more.
     Annoyed, Aleya pulled Sean in quickly, connecting their lips for the second time. It started out a little messy, but a couple of seconds later it was pure bliss.
     Sean let out a small groan into her mouth, making Aleya's legs turn into jelly. Sean quickly wrapped his arms around her waist as he smiled onto her lips.
     "I love you, Aleya. So much."

Mah hart, mah sole!!
lol I hope you liked this two part imagine! It was fun to write. Let me know what you thought about it! And again, thank you for over 10k reads!
Love always,

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