Goodbye Texas, Hello London

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(A/N Hope you like it so far, even though the first chapter was a short prologue. Anyways, in case the thought crossed your mind that this would be just a boring, regular fan fiction, you're wrong. You have absolutely no idea what kinds of twists and turns this story is going to have, so be prepared. Thank you to those who have read so far, it means a lot to me!)

I looked at my surroundings and all I could see was people pushing and shoving, waiting for their turn to board the plane. I was trying to control all of my nervous habits, but I just couldn't help myself. I started to tap my foot and bite my lip, while waiting for my ticket to be scanned. "Wait Chloe! P-please don't go." I heard a familiar voice say. I knew it was my little sister, Elizabeth. I just couldn't bring myself to turn around to see her innocent face. "Chloe? Can you hear me?" Her voice pained. This was the reason I didn't even want to say goodbye to my family. I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to leave. "Elizabeth..." I turned around to see her with tear-stained cheeks. "W-where is Mom?" I asked her, trying to fight the tears. How could I have guess my Mom wasn't going to be there when I turned around? Why would she care if I left or not? I mean, after all, she is part of the reason I am leaving in the first place... But that is a different story. 

My thought were interrupted by Elizabeth pulling me into a hug. "Please don't leave me Chloe. You're all that I have." She said while burying her face in my stomach. I pried her off of me and gave her a weak smile, wiping her tears away. "Liz, please try to stay strong without me. This is just a temporary thing, and then I will be back." Hopefully that will calm her down a bit, but I really doubt it. I turn around to see it's my turn to board the plane. "Ma'am, ticket please." The nice lady said. I fumbled through my purse to try to find my ticket. I pulled it out and gave it to the lady, trying to return a smile. "H-here you go." I stuttered. I turn around to find my mother holding my sister close to her. By the time I could even think about saying something to her, I was rushed into boarding the plane, so I simply mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to her. She gave me a small nod and walked away with my small sister.

So that's it. With a snap of the fingers, the people that you love the most, are gone. I couldn't fight the tears anymore. I know this is my choice, but I didn't think it would be this heartbreaking. As i'm trying to find my seat, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. 'I should probably turn this off.' I say to myself. It's a text from one of my closest friends Hannah.

From: Hannah

Have a safe flight! Call me when you land. xx

I closed out of the message and shut my phone off. 

'B22, B23, B24.... finally B25." I say to myself. I'm really glad that nobody was seated next to me, because chances are; I would be falling asleep, and I'm pretty sure nobody wants to hear me talk in my sleep. I let out a small giggle to myself, and hear the captain over the speaker system. "Good evening everyone, this is your captain speaking. Please proceed to buckle your seatbelt and listen to the flight attendant's speech. We will be arriving in London, England in about 11 hours. If you have any questions or concerns, please notify one of our attendants. Thank you and have a great evening." I begin to fasten my seatbelt and try to relax. I really don't do well on airplanes, because of the amount of anxiety I have with everything and anything I do. It's not like i'm scared of everything... just some things. 

"This is going to be a long flight everyone, so feel free to kick back, and relax." I hear one of the attendents say. I see the seatbelt light go on, and before I knew it, we were 30,000 feet above what I used to call home.

As I thought about all of the good memories I have had in Texas, I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier as I drifted asleep. 

(A/N Sorry for the short chapter, it was mostly just an introduction/filler/quick chapter because i'm tired. I will be updating tomorrow, so expect another chapter soon! I really hoped you enjoyed reading the first chapter. Love you all!)

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