Second Chances (Part Two)

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"One... Two... Three... Open!" Harry uncovers my eyes. I am overwhelmed by the amount of light in the room. It's absolutely stunning, yet blinding. "Wow... It's-... It's beautiful." I gaze up above my head and see the glass ceiling. I had a perfect view of the millions of stars that were glowing above our heads. I felt like I was in a fantasy. "Welcome to my favorite place on Earth." Harry grabs my hand and leads me towards another room with a beautiful water fountain in the middle of it. "What is this place?" My eyes wander all over the room, trying to take in the smells of fresh flowers. "I like to call it a little piece of heaven." Harry smiles.

That's exactly what it felt like. Heaven. "Harry?" I look over to him and he stares into my eyes. "Yeah?"

"Being here with you right now.... Is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I-I know we started off on the wrong foot... But do you think we could.. maybe, start over?" I look down at the ground, breaking the long stare between Harry and I.  

My eyes dart back to his direction and I see him staring into the distance, smiling. "Isn't that what second chances are for?" He starts rubbing small circles on the top of my hand with his thumb. I smile back at him and nod.

 People aren’t always what you want them to be. Sometimes they disappoint you or let you down, but you have to give them a chance first. You can’t just meet someone and expect them to be everything you’re looking for and then be angry when they’re not every hope and aspiration you projected onto them. It’s foolish to believe that someone will be what you imagine them to be. And sometimes, when you give them a chance, they turn out to be better than you imagined. Different, but better.

No matter how shitty and messed up the past few weeks have been, I think they all happend for a reason. That reason, is right here... Right now, at this very moment. Finally something good happens in life. "You know... It's finally starting to feel like I belong here... It's like I was meant to be here all along, but it just took me awhile to figure it out." I whisper. 

"Do you want to see something even more incredible?" Harry asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod and he takes my hand, leading me up a winding staircase. We finally reach the top and it's a rooftop garden, with a whole view of London. I was speechless. 

*a few hours later*

*back at Chloe's house*

"Oh my gosh. If you didn't ditch me to go on vacation with your boyfriend, you could have experienced what I did tonight. It was amazing!" I say to Addie through the phone. "Well gosh. I didn't think things would move that fast with Harry." Addie laughs, making the whole conversation awkward. I feel my cheeks burn. "No. Not that kind of experience. Jesus Addie, you have a very sick mind!" I laugh. "Anyways. I was talking about where Harry took me. It was this place... And I don't know if I cold describe it to you over the phone.. But it was gorgeous. It has a rooftop garden, overlooking the view of the whole city." I over-exaggerated a bit.. But she gets the point. 

"Hey Chloe, I have to go.. Brandon is taking me out for dinner." Addie says and then hangs up. I roll my eyes. 

I'm happy that Addie has Brandon.. But I hope she doesn't get hurt.. the way I did.


*about two weeks after Adam broke into the house and assaulted Chloe*

"What do you want for dinner babe?" I look over to Adam and see that he is playing video games. I repeat myself. "Adam.. What do you want for dinner?" He pauses the game and throws the controller across the room. "Oh my god Chloe! Is it really that important, that you needed to make me pause my game, just to ask me what I want for fucking dinner?! Worry about your damn self!" He points his finger and comes closer to my face. I flinch. "I-I'm sorry. I was just going to make you something to eat... I thought maybe you were hungry.." I look at him and see a darkness in his eyes. "No. I'm not hungry! Do you know what though? I am sick. Sick and fucking tired of working two jobs to support the two of us and bringing in all of the money, while you just go to school and come home and fucking annoy me." He spat at me. A tear shed from my eyes and I moved out of Adam's path, and started to walk out the front door. "Exactly Adam. You're exactly right." I said in my most sarcastic voice. 

I walked out of the door and heard Adam yelling at me, standing in his door way. "Yeah, that's right! Leave. Go fuck yourself Chloe! Have a nice life babe!" He stood in the door way and continued to mumble numerous things. I decided to flip him off. "Fuck yourself Adam!" He slams his door and I could still hear him yelling. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to! It's not like you're gonna!" He bangs his fists against the door. 

Minutes pass before I get numerous texts from Adam.

From: Adam

You know I didn't mean that babe. I know you're going through a rough time and I'm just being a dick to you.

From: Adam

Please come back baby. I love you and you know that.

From: Adam

I should've bought you flowers. And held your hand. :) Come back Chloe.

And... Once again.. I decided to give him yet another chance. I smile at the last text and reply.

To: Adam

Should've gave you all my hours.. when I had the chance. :) There's the Adam I fell in love with.

I let out a sigh and turn my car around, once again... Back to Adam's apartment.

*flashback over*

I couldn't stop thinking about Adam. Not because I was still in love with him... But because I don't know if he is still in London or not, and if he is.. It could change everything. 

I should have bought you flowers and held your hand,

Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance.

Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance.

Now my baby is dancing, but she's dancing with another man.

I couldn't stop singing the song. Stop it Chloe. Stop. I say to myself. 

I look at the clock and it's 11:00 pm. "Time for Ms. Chloe to go to bed." I laugh to myself while walking up the stairs, into my bedroom.

"Chlooooeee. I know you're sister turns everyone on.

But, oh baby! I have no doubt you're the one that  I want.

You think she's got it all but that don't make her-"

I heard my ring tone coming from downstairs, which happened to be the song 'Chloe.' If you ask me.. It's a good ring tone for me.. Even though my sister is way younger than me and she shouldn't be turning anyone on.... I giggle to myself and answer the phone. 

"Hello?" I say in a cheerful voice, even though I was exhausted. 

"Chloe? Oh thank goodness. I hope I didn't wake you.. I know the time difference is huge between here and London and-.. Anyways. How are you sweetie?" I hear my Mom's voice say through the phone.

"Fine.. I've been fine." I lied. Honestly, I didn't even want to tell her anything about the past few weeks because she would make a big deal out of everything. Plus, her and I don't have that great of a relationship.. So I didn't want to talk to her in general. "Great Chloe. That's so good. I hope you have enough money and do you have a car yet? Also, did you bring enough clothes? I wouldn't want you to be missing anything." My mom says is a worried voice. 

"Really Mom.. I'm fine. I'm going to a job interview on Thursday and I live close to Main Street, so I just walk everywhere. Anyways.. I was just about to go to bed..." I say, trying to get off the phone as quickly as possible. "Okay Chloe. You're sister sends her love-.. Oh and please call us soon. We miss you." She says. I can hear her voice start to shake because she was crying. 

"Okay Mom." I hang up the phone, feeling guilty about this whole situation. But then I remember what happened... The whole reason for all of this mess... The reason I left Texas and the reason I can't even stand to look at my mother. 

My thoughts instantly go back to that night. 

The night when all hell broke loose.

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