Unexpected (Part One)

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(A/N So I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but if you are thank you so much. Again, sorry if the last chapters were confusing, you'll understand later in the story. PS This is part one of the part of the story, so it will be short, but part two is being posted tonight also, and that will be long. xx)

"Ma'am... M-ma'am?" My dreams were interrupted by a woman's voice. I opened my eyes to see a flight attendant trying to wake me up. "Y-yes?" I answered in my tired voice. I must have only been asleep for a couple of hours because it was still night time and most of the passengers were asleep. "I have a message for you, f-from one of the other passengers." The woman said. "A message for me? From who?" I said rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. She didn't say anything, she just handed me a small white piece of folded paper, gave me a small smile, and then walked away.

I sat up in my seat and yawned before opening the small note. It read:

"How about we get some Coffee when we land? xx -the guy sitting behind you"

My cheeks turn 50 shades of red. I don't know why, but I am really scared to turn around and look at the mysterious guy in the seat behind me. I take a deep breath. Okay Chloe... You can do this. I think to myself. I decide I am going to just casually get up from my seat to "use the restroom." I got the courage to get up from my seat and walk to the bathroom, but I didn't see anyone sitting behind me... It looked like nobody was even there in the first place. I walked a few more steps and saw a familiar face sitting a couple seats behind me. It was my ex-boyfriend, Adam. He smirked at me and stood up. He towered over me, which wasn't surprising because most people did. "You're so beautiful." He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him so our chests were touching. I quickly darted my hands up to his chest to push myself away. "S-stop. What are you doing?" I winced. "Just having some fun babe. I know you miss me." He clenced his jaw. "Adam just stop. You're the one who ended it, not me." I reminded him. I shoved him away from me, walking back to my seat.

I hoped and prayed that he wouldn't follow me. I can't believe he even found me.

I wanted to fall asleep for the rest of the plane ride, but I was terrified to fall asleep. What if he hurts me again? What if he ruins this experience for me? Thoughts flooded my mind. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. I tried to be descrete about it because I wasn't really supposed to have it out. I check the time. Okay Chloe... Only a few more hours to go. I thought to myself.

*a few hours later*

"Hello everyone this is your captain speaking. Please grab all of your personal belongings and exit the plane. Thank you for choosing American Airlines."  I grabbed my purse and carry-on bag and tried to get off the plane before Adam noticed me. I pushed my way through a couple of people and finally stepped off of the plane.

I ran into the airport and looked for all of my luggage and suitcases. I looked around and saw hundreds of people scrambling to catch their flights. I saw Adam step off of the plane and look around. That's when I ran. I ran for my life, without a care in the world where I was going to end up.

(A/N REMINDER: This is just a filler. I am updating again tonight.)

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