Unexpected (Part Two)

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I had no idea how long I was running for. It seemed like hours, but it must have only been a few minutes because I wasn't tired at all. I turned around, luckily not seeing Adam. I was still turned around, mildly jogging. All of a sudden I ran into something and I dropped all of my bags. 

I faced forward to see all of my bags sprawled all over the ground, some pieces of clothing scattered around, here and there. Are you fucking kidding me? I thought to myself. I tucked my long brown hair behind my ears and dropped to my knees to pick up all of my belongings. "Oh. I'm terribly sorry. I am such an idiot."  I hear a girl's voice say. I look up to her and she looks like she is around my age. "It's okay. I should have watched where I was going." I reassured her. "So, judging by your American accent, you're not from here?" She laughed, while helping me place some stuff back into my suitcases. "Yeah, I'm from Texas.."  I zipped up my bags and stood up, thanking her for her help. "Oh, I'm Addison by the way. See you around."  She smiled. Just before she walked away, I yelled to her, "I'm Chloe!" 

I pull out my phone and send Hannah a text.

To: Hannah

I'm here. :) Call me later, I have loads to tell you.

She replies right away.

From: Hannah

Okay. I'll call you later hopefully, but I have loads of homework to do. Did you get settled in yet?

I quickly reply back, and then put my phone back into my pocket.

To: Hannah

Not yet, I'm almost at the house. Or should I say "flat." ;) Now that I am going to be living in London, I should probably speak like them. Anyways, I have to go.

I walk a few blocks and finally see my brand new house. "Well... This is home I guess." I say to myself. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. I am not ready to live alone. I'm only 18. 

*a few hours later*

"Yeah mom. I have everything situated and all of the furniture was shipped here."  I say to my mom, waiting for her to get off the phone so I could go to sleep. "Okay. Be safe Chloe.... I-I love you." She said, and then hung up.

I let out a deep breath and walk upstairs to my new bedroom. It was so wierd, the thought of not seeing my sweet little sister Elizabeth. But, me being here was for the best. 

I turn on the shower and let the water run down my back and down to my fingertips. The pattern of the water hitting my shoulders was somewhat relaxing. I wash my hair with mango smelling shampoo and follow with matching conditioner. As I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my small body, I heard a loud noise downstairs. My heart sank. 

I grabbed the first thing that looked like a weapon, which was an umbrella, and slowly walked down the stairs. I turned on the hallway light and walked by the front door. I looked through the window and I saw a familiar face. I opened the door.

"Jesus Addison. You scared me. How did you know where I lived?" I asked her, annoyed. "Well all I had to do was ask if a Taylor lived around here and the landlord knew just who you were. Wait... You're not planning to go to bed, are you?" She cheerfully asked. I was a little freaked out, but hey.. If this is how you make friends in London, then I'm in. "Um actually I was. Why?" I asked with a confused look. "Because I am taking you clubbing. It will be fun! But first, we need to do something about this." She said while pointing her finger up and down my body. I agreed to go, even though I am so tired. 

"Okay.. yeah. S-Sure, I'll come. Just let me get ready. Come on in." I open the door a little more and tell her to take a seat on the sofa while I get ready. 

I decide to go casual and wear a pair of teal skinny jeans, a white blouse, black keds, and a leather jacket. I didn't put on too much make-up because I didn't feel like washing it all off later, so I just put on a little bit of foundation and concealer, some mascara, and a little bit of eyeliner. 

I walked down the stairs and said "Okay, I'm ready."  We headed out the door and got into Addison's car, and drove off.

*at the club*

"Wow, I have never been to anything like this." I say to Addison. Judging by how she is dancing and grinding on guys, she is an expert at these types of things. "I'm gonna go to the restroom, I-I'll be right back." I yell to Addison, but I doubt she heard me because of how loud the music was. 

I tried to push my way through all of the sweaty and drunk people, and I finally got close to the bathroom door. I heard someone scream at me "Jesus Fucking Christ would you watch where you're going!?" I turned around to see a tall, attractive guy frowning at me. "S-Sorry." I said to him. For a second, his eyes almost looked forgiving... but then they grew dark again.  He got closer to me. "What's your name?" He asked, moving closer and closer to me. I bite the inside of my bottom lip, "My name's C-Chloe." I try not to make eye contact with his beautiful green eyes, but it's like my eyes are magnetic to them. "I'm Harry." He says with his thick British accent. I tried to back away from him, but I couldn't push my way through the wall of people that was behind me. I finally found a tiny pathway in between two people and made my way through it, into the restroom. I stood with my back against the door and took a deep breath. I walked over to the sink and placed both of my hands on it, resting all of my weight on the edge. I examined my features in the mirror. It was only seconds before Addison walked in, stumbling over to me. "Here you dropped this"  She slurred while handing me my phone. I unlocked it and I saw a text from an unknown number. 

From: Unknown Number

Tell your friend thanks. -Harry.xx

"Addison... How did he get my phone?" I asked her, trying to remain calm. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked towards her, trying to get her to respond to me. "Addison! Listen to me!" I gritted my teeth. "I gave it to him silly. He is so hot so I gave it to him and-"  She stopped mid-sentence and threw up. "Okay, we need to get you home."  I said while trying to prop her up with my shoulder. Since she was much taller than me, it was hard for me to support half of her weight, but I managed to get her to the car. "Addison, where do you live" I asked her while driving out of the parking lot. "Just two blocks away, down there." She pointed and I drove her home. 

*one hour later*

I arrive home and plopped myself into bed, not even caring that I was still in my clothes, or that I had my make-up on still. I went under the covers and drifted asleep.

*three hours later*

I was awaken by the vibrations of my phone. It was a text... From an unknown number, other wise known as Harry.

From: Unknown Number

So are you just going to leave me out here in the cold, or are you gonna let me in babe? xx

I jumped from my bed and quietly ran downstairs. I looked out the window and I gasped. Luckily, I didn't turn any lights on, otherwise he would have seen me. I felt around in my pockets for my phone, but I must have left it upstairs. Shit. I think to myself. 

He was just sitting there. How did he find me? Is this a dream? Why me? Many thoughts crossed my mind, before I did  something quite shocking, that I will probably regret for the rest of my life.

(A/N So I can't tell if this was a long or short chapter, but it took me like 3 hours to write. I'm going to be updating tomorrow morning, so prepare for an update! What was the decision Chloe made? hmmmmmm.)

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