Secrets Can't Be Hidden Forever

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(A/N A song will be asked to play later in this chapter, so if you're on a mobile device, I would suggest going onto a computer/laptop because you're going to need to listen to the song when it's time. Thanks. xx)


*a couple months before Adam broke into Chloe's house*

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell for my mom while I throw my backpack on the floor. She always greeted me at the door, but this time.. She wasn't there. 

"Mom!? Are you here?" I make my way upstairs and stop when I hear something very disturbing. I looked through the small crack of the door and saw my mother, cheating on my father with another man. "Mom?!" I start to cry. 

She sits up quickly and covers her mouth. "C-Chloe? I-..." She stopped mid-sentence. "You what? Please finish your sentence, because I would love to hear the explanation for this. What about Dad?! You're just going to give up on him?!" Tears were falling from my cheeks. I hear Elizabeth coming up the stairs, humming to herself. I stop her before she walks any closer to my parent's room. "Go downstairs Liz. I'll be right down." I give her a small smile and she nods and turns around. 

*at dinner*

I moved around the peas on my plate, thinking about what had just happened. My thoughts were interrupted by my Mother's words. "Eat your vegetables." She ordered. I ignored her. She glared at me and I looked up at her, giving her a look of disgust. "You know what Chloe? You're father has been gone for months now, on his so-called "business trip." You and I both know that he is never coming back. He left me, you, and your sister. I was lonely, okay?" She sets her hand on top of mine. I pulled it away quickly. I slammed my fork on my plate and began to scream at her. "You've been lonely? Really? That's your excuse? Elizabeth doesn't even remember her own father's name for Christ's sake. I practically raise her because you're too busy fucking your co-workers." 

"Don't you dare Chloe! Don't even blame this on me!" She got up from her seat and stomped away. Elizabeth looked up at me with her innocent, blue eyes and started to cry. I hugged her and tried to comfort her. "It's okay Liz... It's all going to be okay." 

*later that night*

I finished telling Elizabeth a bedtime story, and realized that she had already drifted asleep. I quietly shut her door and went downstairs, grabbing my jacket, phone, and car keys. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I stopped when I heard my mother's voice. I turned around and frowned at her. "Adam's... And I probably won't be back for awhile." I turned back around and slammed the door.

I started my car and headed to Adam's house.

I finally arrived and I walked through the door, finding Adam sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"So... I'm guessing you haven't told your parents yet?" Adam grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. "No... I can't do it... A-At least not right now,.. I don't think that's the best thing to do." I bit my lower lip. Being two weeks pregnant wasn't the only thing I was hiding from my family. Adam doesn't know this yet, but I'm leaving for London in a few months.

He looked at me with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?" I let out a long sigh. "My Mom has been having an affair.." 

He gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry babe."

I stand up and grab Adam's hand, pulling him over to the front door. "Let's go out to eat tonight." I smile and look up at him. He nods and follows me out into my car.

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