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I don't think I will be continuing writing this story. It seems too cliche and I don't think anyone reads this. I'm sorry for the people who actually do read it, but I just can't continue this story. It's way too basic.

However, I will be creating a new story on my other account, with a different name, setting, characters, etc. It will be another Harry one because it seems like people are only interested in reading Harry fanfics (which is very sad, but true.) I'm not sure when I'm going to start the story, but it will be very soon. I also might be making a couple other stories in the boys' POV. (Such as, what their lives are like, but I don't know yet.)

(There may be some similarities between this story and the new one, but they won't be exactly the same.)

Thanks for understanding, and again, I'm very sorry.

Much Love


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