You Can Run... But You Can't Hide

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up from what I was hoping to be some strange nightmare, but it wasn't. My eyes kept opening and closing shut. They were heavy, but I managed to keep them slightly open. I lifted my head up from the cold, hard ground and I saw nothing but pure black. I let out a huge groan and tried to sit up, but I couldn't. My feet were tied together with a rope and my hands were individually tied to the legs of a chair. What is going on? All of a sudden, I'm nearly blinded by the lights of the small room being turned on. I look over by the door and see Josh standing in the doorway, smiling like an idiot. "What the hell do you want?" I spat at him. He walked towards me, with something sharp in his hands. "You know what I want Harry. How could you not realize what is right in front of you?" He said while shoving the sharp item into my side. It was a knife. He quickly pulled it out and repeated his action about three more times. "What are you talking about?! I didn't fucking do anything to you Josh!" I cried. As much as it hurt to be stabbed multiple times, it hurt way worse to hear what I just heard coming from behind me, on the opposite side of the room.

It was a muted scream. It sounded as if who ever was screaming, had something that was over their mouth, so that they couldn't scream. Was it another person that Josh had captured to torture? "Don't you get it Harry? I thought you were smart? I want her." He pointed behind me. I looked back and I saw her. The last person I wanted to see here. "Chloe." I cried. She looked like she had been beaten half to death. Josh walked over by her and ripped the tape off of her mouth. "Harry." She cried harder. "Say goodbye to him Chloe. This is the last time you'll see him alive." Josh said while pushing Chloe's hair away from her face. I look over to her. "Don't listen to him Chloe. I will get us both out of here alive. I promise."

*Chloe's POV*

"Don't listen to him Chloe. I will get us both out of here alive. I promise." I promise. I promise. I promise. Harry's words kept repeating in my head over and over again, until I was hit in the head with a metal bar.

*Harry's POV*

"I'll be right back Styles. Don't try anything otherwise your precious life will be over sooner than expected." Josh said while slamming the door behind him. Now's my chance to escape... to save her life. I grabbed the knife that Josh used to stab me and cut the ropes that tied my arms to the chair and then cut the rope that secured my feet together. I got up, and kicked down the door, waiting for Josh to cross my path.

*Chloe's POV*

I opened my eyes and saw that Harry wasn't there. I began to panic. What if Josh killed him and hid his body? I looked around and that's when I saw a puddle of blood, right where Harry used to be laying. I started to cry. "No... No.... Harry!" I cried. What am I going to do?

I looked over and saw a knife that was covered in blood. I crawled over and grabbed it and cut myself free from the ropes. I ran out of the door and found an exit. I ran. I ran until my feet couldn't take it anymore. There was no sign of anybody. It was pitch dark outside.

*a few hours later*

After running for a few hours I finally ended up back home. I opened the door, expecting to find Addie, but there was no sign of her. I fumble through my pockets, trying to find my phone.. But it wasn't there. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and looked in my purse. I pulled out my phone and called Addie, panicking.

"Hello?" Addison says while sounding a bit annoyed. "Addie?! Where are you? I thought you were staying over at my house tonight?!" I try not to scream at her. She is silent for a moment. "Chloe... What are you talking about? That was two weeks ago. You left in the middle of the night and your boyfriend Josh told me that you two were going on vacation?" She says. Two weeks?! "And do you have any idea what time it is? It's three in the morning." She says with a yawn. I ask her to come over to talk about what might have happened. "I'll be right over. " She hangs up the phone.

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