What Just Happened?!

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I unlocked the door and slowly opened it... I know, I know. Why would I open the door to a stranger? Believe me, the thought crossed my mind. But, I couldn't just let him freeze to death out there.

"Okay, listen.. Don't try anything because m-my boyfriend is right up stairs and he will kick your ass." I bit the inside of my bottom lip, hoping he wouldn't know that I was lying. I was alone in that house.. Nobody would save me if something were to happen. "I'm not going to hurt you." A small smile stretched across his face. My goodness, he is attractive. He walked closer to the door frame and leaned on it. He then whispered, "So are you going to let me in?" Wait a minute, I still don't know how he found me, and why he was here. I hesitantly opened the door and welcomed him into my "flat."

"Sorry about the mess.. I just moved here and-.." I lost my train of thought while watching the mysterious boy start to walk up the stairs. My eyes widened. "P-Please don't go up there or-" I  was interrupted by his words, "Or what? Your boyfriend is going to kick my ass?" He let out a small chuckle. I followed him half way up the stairs, hoping and praying that he wouldn't try to look for my non-existent "boyfriend". I grabbed his arm and tried to stop him from going any further. "Hey! You can't just walk into MY house and start rummaging through MY things. Don't you have any sort of respect?" I whispered. "And why are you even here? You don't know me, and I sure as hell don't know you so just... just get out." I yelled at him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. "I would really like to get to know you though." He seductively whispered into my ear.

I could feel my heart going a million miles an hour. He began to blow warm puffs of air, just below my ear. My eyes fluttered. "O-okay. H-how about we go downstairs and talk?" I bit my bottom lip. I tried not to act afraid, but the shaking of my hands sort of gave it away. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs and sat on the sofa.

*two hours later*

A few hours went by and it was about 3:00 am. Two hours felt like a life time. I spent most of the time talking, while Harry listened. I didn't go into too much detail about my life, and neither did he. Even though it was a short time, and I just met him... I feel like I already know him.

Do you want to watch a movie? All I have for now is Safe Haven." I spoke quietly towards him. He nodded. I got up from my seat on the sofa and went to find the movie. When I walked back into the living room, Harry had removed his shoes and his jacket, and made himself quite comfortable on the couch. I laughed to myself. "Are you comfy?" I sarcastically commented. He just rolled his eyes and didn't say a word. I let out a deep breath and bent over to put the movie in. I looked back at Harry and his head darted in a different direction. As if I didn't know he was staring at my ass. I laugh to myself.

I grab a few blankets from some of the boxes that are still not unpacked and I lay one down on the floor, and then cover up with another one. Harry sits up from the couch. "Get up." He says while motioning his hand. I do as he says. He props up two pillows and leans against them. "Here. Just lay here." He motions for me to lay on his lap. "O-Okay." I hesitantly move over by him and rest my head on his lap, while watching the movie.

I'm perfectly capable laying on the floor or the couch, I don't need to be laying in some guy's lap that I just met not even 12 hours ago. I think to myself. I was a little annoyed that he kept bossing me around, but at least I have someone to keep me company on my first night living alone.

*one hour later*

The movie is over and I tiredly walk up the stairs. When I almost reach the top, I hear Harry softly whisper "I know you lied about having a boyfriend." My heart sank. All I could do was just pretend I didn't hear him and try to go to sleep. I shut my door and started to take off my clothes because I needed to put some pajamas on. I hear my door creak open and I scream. "What the hell are you doing? Get out!" I grab a hoodie and try to cover up my body, but that doesn't stop Harry's eyes from wandering up and down my body.  "H-Harry s-stop." I stutter. He is leaned on the door frame while biting his lip. "Could you please get out?" I softly whispered. He nodded and walked away. I slammed my door and made sure it was locked.

I crept under my covers and went to sleep, trying to figure out what just happened.

*Harry's POV*

I walked down the stairs and heard Chloe slam her door. Feisty. I said to myself. To be honest, I don't even know what I am doing here. All I know was that I refuse to let someone like her be someone else's girlfriend. Right when I laid eyes on her... I knew I want to-... No I NEED to have her in my life. She's mine now.

(A/N omggg guys sorry for such a short chapter AGAIN. I didn't even get much time to write today because I had to do homework and I am super tired! I PINKIE PROMISE I will update with at least a four page chapter tomorrow. I hope you like it so far, there are some surprises coming in the next few chapters!xx)

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