Second Chances (Part One)

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You can't hide from me forever Chloe. 

Those were the exact words Adam said to me the night he broke into my house and beat me up. I wiped the tears from my eyes and jumped at the sound of Addie beeping her car horn. I get into her car and she drives off. I completely break down. I can't hold the tears in anymore. "Addie. Thank you so much for doing all of this for me. I-I'm a mess. Ever since I have moved to London, nothing but bad things have happened to me. I thought this would be my second chance.. I wanted to start over. Instead I was kidnapped and assaulted by some douchebag that I met at a club. And to top everything off, the person that supposedly cares about me.... Doesn't care about anything but himself. I should have know Addie... I'm so stupid." She looks at me, with sympathetic eyes. "No Chloe. Don't say that. I did not drive two hours out of the city to spend time with a depressed person. We are going to have some fun." She reassures me. I wipe away my tears and nod. 

"If you don't want to talk about it... That's fine.. But what exactly happened at the diner? I mean.. What made you want to leave?" She asked me. I take a deep breath and start to explain the whole situation. "Okay... So it all started when you left my flat this morning. I went for a run and when I got back, Harry showed up at my door. Then, he practically forced me to go to his flat with him so he could get ready for our "date." Then, we went to the diner and the whole time he was flirting with the waitress. A-And not that I care, but.. He was supposed to be on the date with me, not her. Anyways... I got tired of watching them flirt with each other, so I went into the restroom and that's when I texted you. After that, I walked back to the table and-... He was kissing our waitress.. on the lips." I say.

Addie's eyes widen. "Are you serious? What a dick!" She says. That made me laugh. "I know." I giggle. "So what do you do for fun in London?" I ask Addie in my best British accent. "Well, sometimes I go shopping.. But not today. Today we are renting movies, and going back to your flat to watch them." Addie says while trying to mock an American accent. 

I didn't feel too comfortable going back to my flat because Harry knew where I lived. But, as long as Addie was with me, I would be safe. Right? 

*back at Chloe's flat*

"Okay girly, what do you want to watch first? I think we should watch Insidious first." Addie says, making a puppy dog first. I nod, not really caring what we watched. All I could think about was Harry kissing our waitress.

"Erm.. H-Hey Addie?" I looked at her, regretting what I was about to say. "Yeah?" She asks me, looking confused. "Do you want to just go somewhere else tonight? I mean... To a bar or something? Where we can get drunk?" I ask her, immediately regretting what I had just said. She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head no. "I don't think you need any more trouble tonight. Just relax." She turns on the movie and stares intently at the screen. I pull out my phone and notice I have three texts from Harry.

From: Harry

We need to talk... Now.

From: Harry

Please answer me Chloe... It was a dumb mistake.

From: Harry 

I'm coming over.... I need to see you.

I couldn't help myself. I replied to him.

To: Harry

Oh, so now that you're done with Little-Miss-Perfect, you come crawling back to me? I don't think so. If you want to talk, you come over tonight and you don't come inside.

He replies right away.

From: Harry

I'll be there at 7:00.

*later that night*

"Thanks for coming over Addie, I had a great time." I hug her and wave goodbye to her. I walk outside and close the door behind me and wait for Harry to show up. 

Finally he pulls up in his car and steps out, walking towards me. "You get five minutes." I warn him. He clenches his jaw, looking angrily at me.

"No. You listen to me Chloe. I made a stupid mistake! It's not even a big deal! Maybe if you would actually give me a chance to show you that I care, I wouldn't have to flirt with other girls. I don't understand why you're mad. I'm not your property! I have been nothing but nice to you. I haven't broken one promise yet, what more do you want from me?! I promised I would be there at the club, and I was. I promised you that I would take you on a date, and I did! What am I doing wrong Chloe, please let me know! He yelled at me, teeth clenched. "Really Harry? What about when you 'promised' me that you would come back for me?! What about that? Huh?" I yelled back at him. I didn't want to bring it up, but I had no choice. 

"I came back for you. You just weren't there." His voice softened. "I really do care about you Chloe and I really like you so... if you would just give me another chance.. I won't screw it up again." He whispered, walking towards me. I was so mad at him. I began to pound my fists into his chest, usng all of my strengh to hit him. "You're going to pin this all on me? Jesus Harry! I cannot even believe that you even had the nerve to ask for my forgiveness! You know.. I actually thought about giving you a chance, and getting to know you better, but then I remembered why I hestiated. Because you care about nothing but yourself! Just stop already!" I continued to hit and kick him. He stayed in the same place. He grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall, stopping me from hitting him. His hot breath blew on my face, making my eyes flutter. "Please stop baby. Just give me another chance." He whispered. 

A tear rolled down my cheek. "H-Harry..." I stuttered. "Do you really mean it? You do care about me?" I asked him. I knew he did, I just wanted to hear him say it again. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "Come on. Let's go somewhere." He whispered into my ear. I agreed. I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. 

*Harry's POV*

"I'm still trying to figure you out." I hear Chloe say. I smile at her and raise my eyebrows. Most people would have been gone by now. Most people don't care about me. But I really do believe that Chloe might. I mean, why would she still want to be around me if she didn't?

*Chloe's POV*

We finally stopped walking and arrived at a small building. "Close your eyes." Harry said. "For what?" I laughed while he was covering my eyes, leading me into the mystery building. 

"You'll see. It's a surprise."  

(A/N Part two of this chapter will be posted soon. Hope you like it so far!)

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