Is This Real Life?

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*a few months before Chloe left Texas*

I could hear footsteps coming from outside of my bedroom door. They became louder and louder, signaling that whoever was about to come into my bedroom, was coming closer and closer. Thoughts are flooding my mind. What should I do? I begin to panic. I look around for the nearest hiding spot, which was my closet. The footsteps are getting closer and closer until they stop. I bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. I can feel my eyes filling with tears. What's going to happen to me? 

My thoughts were interrupted by a sliver of light poking through the crack of my closet door. I started to wince. All I could do is pray. I tried to be as quiet as possible while moving to the back of my closet, hoping to be less visible to the intruder. 

"You can't hide forever Chloe. Come out, come out where ever you are." The man said. I know that voice, but I just couldn't remember exactly who it belonged to. He began to speak again, "Chloeeee. I know you're in there." His footsteps stopped, right outside the closet door. I began to cry, still biting my tongue so I wouldn't scream. The intruder opened the door, and I knew I that there was no place to run. I was in his sight, and just as he walked closer and closer to me, I recognized his face.

"Adam?" I wiped the tears away from my dark brown eyes. For some reason I felt safe knowing it was him.... But I guess I was wrong. He began to hit me like I was some punching bag. What did I do to deserve this? I thought to myself. "How does it feel Chloe? Huh?! Does it feel good to be treated like dirt, like you're nothing?!" He screamed. I had no idea what he was talking about, he had never acted like this before. "W-What are you talking about Adam?" I wince. He draws back his fist, but something made him stop. He began to stumble backwards while covering his mouth. "Oh my god Chloe. W-What have I done? I-" He started to cry.

Adam slowly began walking towards me. I flinched when he began to caress my cheek with his blood-covered hand. "Chloe... Baby I'm so sorry... Please... You have to understand." He begged for my forgiveness. He rubbed his thumbs over my tear-stained cheeks, attempting to dry the tears. I was speechless. What do I say to someone that I have been in love with for a whole year, and then breaks into my house and beats me? Am I supposed to forgive him? Thoughts flooded my mind, but I knew what I had to do.

I attempted to calm Adam down by leading him into the bathroom to get ourselves cleaned up. Hands still shaking, I grab a towel and dampen it to clean over the cuts on my face. "A-Adam?" I stuttered. He looked up at me with tears still running down his cheeks. "I forgive you." I admitted. I don't know why, but I couldn't imagine my life without him. I walked over to him and gently wiped the tears from his eyes, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "I love you." He whispered.

*flashback over*

I jolted awake. My body was still trembling from having to relive that horrific experience. I unlock my phone and look at the time. The time was 12:00 pm. I remember that Addison wanted to meet up for tea at 12:30 pm. "Great.. That means I only have a half an hour to get ready."

I run to the bathroom and turn on the water. I adjusted the temperature so it was burning hot on my skin, I needed to relax. I quickly wash my long brown hair and run the razor over the small stubble on my legs. After I finish washing, I grab my towel and quickly dry off, leaving my hair to air dry.

I pull out a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt. I quickly slip on my navy blue keds and grab a sweatshirt and run out the door. Shit, I forgot my phone. I think to myself. After running around like a crazy person, I finally start to jog to the Coffee/Tea place.

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