1 - The Mission

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Konohagakure. The Village Hidden in the Leaves.

That was the home of Konohamaru Sarutobi, grandson of the Third Hokage. Currently the one that leads them is the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju.

And now Konohamaru was running late. He was asked by Tsunade to come see her in headquarters and apparently he had lost track of time from training.

He ran through the streets, careful not to bump into anybody that might cause an accident. Occasionally he'd get the usual "hey, watch it, kid" from the adults but he didn't mind. He got that all the time.

Konohamaru was almost there when he happened to look at those huge faces of the Hokages carved into a monumental rock, big enough for everyone to see. "Someday I will have MY face in there!" he declared, showing off his toothy grin which made him determined even more.

As he reached the building of the Hokage's headquarters, he hurriedly made his way inside, upstairs, hoping Tsunade wouldn't be too mad at him. He was all out of breath as he dragged himself up the stairs, through the hallways, ignoring the remarks of the jonins he ran into.

Finally, he arrived.

Konohamaru burst the door open. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late, Lady Tsunade!" He stepped inside and bowed his head in apology.

Tsunade turned around in her chair, her expression clearly bad. She had a cold look in her eyes, and her red lips pressed together in a tight line.

"You're late, Sarutobi," Tsunade said, making Konohamaru bow again. "You made the others wait, too."

By others, Konohamaru noticed that Naruto Uzumaki was there with an excited look on his face. Neji Hyuga was there as well, as usual, with a calm and collected expression, his arms crossed.

"Very sorry..." Konohamaru muttered.

Tsunade sighed. "Forget about it. Listen up, the three of you."

As if on cue, Naruto and Neji both moved closer, standing on each side of Konohamaru.

Tsunade started to rummage through her desk full of papers. Papers that no one really knew what it contained. A moment later, she took a piece of paper in her hand and held it up.

"I have a mission assigned to the three of you," Tsunade began, looking down at the paper. Konohamaru looked up at Naruto. No wonder he looked excited earlier.

"What is it, Lady Tsunade?" Neji asked.

"There is a place called Magnolia. It's a really large distance from Konoha. I will be sending the three of you in there for..." Tsunade held the paper up for the three to see. "...this girl."

Konohamaru stepped forward and took the paper, taking a look with Naruto and Neji. In the paper, there was a photo of a girl, about Konohamaru's age. She had brown eyes, long blue hair and a smile so wide that her sharp canine teeth were visible.

Konohamaru read the name. "Wendy... Marvell?"

"Who is she?" Naruro asked.

"She's a young girl from this guild called Fairy Tail located in Magnolia. From the information I gathered, she's a... a Sky Dragon Slayer."

"Dragon... Slayer?" Konohamaru raised his eyebrow.

"What is that?" Neji asked, taking the piece of paper from Konohamaru. "She's only fourteen years old, Lady Tsunade. Is it a good idea to be taking her away from her home?"

"Yeah, and what's a Sky Dragon Slayer? It sounds kind of scary..." Naruto remarked, clearly interested.

"I don't know much, but apparently she was raised by a dragon," Tsunade answered, resting her hand on her hand. "But yes. This is the girl I ask you to bring here to Konoha. It'll just be a few days and then you will bring her back to Magnolia. Simple, isn't it?"

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