4 - Taking Her

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"It's very nice of you to stay with us tonight, Lucy," Wendy was saying as Lucy was feeding Wendy some warm soup she made. Carla was busy nibbling on the piece of fish Lucy brought that came from Happy.

"Sure. Master said someone should always be looking after you and I am more than happy to do it," Lucy said with a smile as she fed Wendy more. "Does it still hurt?"

Wendy nodded slowly and winced. "Yes, kind of."

Lucy sighed softly and held out the spoon of soup to Wendy. "Alright, you've only got a few more scoops left. After this, you get some rest."

"I will. Thank you for taking care of.me, Lucy."

Lucy smiled and kissed Wendy's forehead, feeding her more till the soup was gone. Wendy softly coughed, and Lucy noticed purple spots appearing behind Wendy's ears.
Poison was slowly invading Wendy's body and no one really knew how to reverse it. Lucy wished she knew how. But she was still glad that Wendy woke up that day.

Sighing softly, Lucy placed the bowl aside and tucked Wendy in, rubbing her blue head with a smile. "Get some rest, Wendy. You're going to get better soon. I promise."

Wendy gave her the biggest smile she could make then slowly closed her eyes.

Carla padded over and curled up next to Wendy. Lucy smiled and petted Carla softly before leaving Wendy's room. She went to the couch and sat down, taking her boots off and laid down with a sigh.

Lucy stared up at the ceiling, listening to the ticking of the clock as her mind wondered about what happened today at the guild.

Who were those people? What did they want from Wendy?

She didn't quite understand what was going on but she felt sorry for Wendy. The young girl is already in a bad condition and who knows, it's possible that it could get worse.

Either because of the poison spreading in her body or the fact that three ninjas were chasing her.

Maybe even both.

But no. Lucy will protect Wendy with her own life. Wendy needs all the protection and care right now, and Lucy was more than happy to be the one that could give it to her.

Her mind then started to go back to the time when she first met Wendy. She remembered that Wendy tripped and fell on the first day they saw ewch other and how adorable she was.

Lucy also remembered how amazed she was afrer finding out that Wendy was a dragon slayer. For a little girl like her, she was very strong and brave and will not hesitate to fight fo her friends.

She also remembered that time when Wendy cried so hard after learning that Cait Shelter, her first guild, didn't really exist. Lucy never wanted to see Wendy cry like that again but she was happy that Wendy went to join them as a member of Fairy Tail.

Even without a guild mark, Lucy considered Wendy as a friend and family, and everyone else as well.

Lucy raised her right hand and looked at the guild mark displayed on the back of it. She smiled.

She was proud she was a member of Fairy Tail.

Lucy might have fallen asleep for a bit because the next thing she knew, she was hearing a scraping noise. It sounded like it was coming from the door.

She sat up and stood up and quietly padded to the door to see what was the noise all about. It was as if someone was scraping their nails from the outside.

Lucy pulled the door open. Someone was standing there, that was like a little boy. Whoever he was, he had his fist comong at Lucy, who dodged that quickly and fell down on the floor, crawling backwards.

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