14 - Old Friend

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Konohamaru looked up to the sound of Wendy's voice calling out his nickname. He saw her running towards him, a smile on her face. It was enough to make him smile as well.

"So? How'd it go?" he asked when Wendy was already standing in front of him.

"It was fine!" answered Wendy with a laugh.

An eyebrow raised on the ninja's forehead. "You seem happy today. Something happen you wanna tell me about, Wendy?"

"H-Huh? Oh, no! Nothing at all."

Both of his eyebrows raised now.

"Nothing, really! Come on, it's better to be happy than to be sad. Let's go, I'm kind of hungry now."

A sigh escaped his lips as he took Wendy's hand. "You're always hungry lately, Wendy. Don't worry I'll find out secrets soon enough."

By his words, Wendy suddenly felt that he wasn't allowed to know yet. Tsunade hadn't told anyone or made everything public by now, and she Wendy felt that it wasn't her place to tell, even though she played a big part in the healing of Dan.

But not wanting to ruin the mood, she just forced a smile, held on to Konohamaru's hand and made her way through the streets with him.

Inside Wendy's head, she thought that she had done something good and worth her time, and even sacrifices. She couldn't wait to meet Dan when he opens his eyes. He and Tsunade would be happy together for sure, and she wanted to be there to celebrate their happiness as well. For sure Tsunade's head would be in the clouds when she and Dan get married.

Her thoughts filled with happiness were soon erased once she heard a crash that seemed to come from behind her. She saw that the villagers had heard it too, since they were already staring wide-eyed behind her. So she turned around as well.

And she couldn't believe what she saw right there.

Tsunade was flying there in the sky.

No, she was falling from the sky.

There were pieces of wood surrounding her, which were the pieces of the roof that she had passed through.

And from the looks of it, the Hokage was hurt.

"Wh-What is that!?" Konohamaru said, gripping onto Wendy's hand tighter.

Wendy felt her feet step closer back to the direction of Tsunade. "What happened... Lady Tsunade..."

"Wendy! Stay back!" Konohamaru called out, pulling her back there beside him.

Everyone's head looked back up again when they heard Tsunade yell. "Everyone! Run! Get to safety! Hurry! Don't waste any more time!"

None of the villagers really followed her orders since no one really knew what was going on. But they started scurrying when the whole Hokage's headquarters exploded with fire. Wendy and Konohamaru both stumbled to the ground and shielded themselves with the huge chunks of wood that went flying everywhere.

When Wendy opened her eyes, she didn't expect to see what was there.

Standing there, with smoke slightly making everything hard to see was her old rival.

As the smoke cleared, standing there was the serpent that Wendy once defeated on a mission. The cause of Wendy's wound. The cause of the poison that used to spread throughout Wendy's body. The cause of the purple spots that made Konohamaru curious about her when they first met.

Terror filled Wendy's mind and all she could so was stare. Her mind told her to run but her body did not listen. Why was the serpent here? Why was it alive? Everyone else was already running but Wendy stayed there on the ground, taking in the sight of the serpent she fought with.

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