5 - Bring Her Back Home

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Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Erza, along with Happy and Carla had started their mission to find Wendy and bring her back home.

At first they searched Magnolia, since Makarov suggested they do that first.

Lucy and Carla asked around Wendy's place but no one knew what happened the night Wendy was taken.
Erza and Gray asked around, went to different places that Wendy could be in, asked about those three ninjas, but nobody could even answer them.

Natsu and Happy tried to pick up Wendy's scent, but failed.

Erza then concluded the Wendy isn't home anymore. Lucy just had to break down in tears as she got more worried each time. Natsu had to hold her to calm her down.

"We'll have to search far and wide for her," declared Erza. "Natsu, will you be able to pick up her scent?

Natsu nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll try to."

"Alright. Everyone, we're leaving Magnolia.

"Although... it may be too hard to pick up her scent. They could be far away already, too far for my nose."

"Wait," Happy said, and the others looking at him. "Do you remember? I don't know if you saw it, but those three ninjas were wearing something around their foreheads. Maybe that could be a clue as to where they're taking Wendy...?"

"Come to think of it, I did notice," said Gray.

"Well, I didn't!" Natsu roared.

"I did see something on the headband of that strange-eyed brat..." muttered Erza, pressing her fingers against her lips.

Lucy glanced at Carla and shrugged. "Do you remember, Erza?" she asked.

After a few seconds, Erza suddenly snapped her fingers, startling Natsu and Gray. "I remember!"

She tore off a piece of an old poster off the wall near them then started searching for something. "Does anyone have a pen?"

Natsu and Gray didn't speak up, but Lucy did. "I got lipstick here with me." She rummaged through her pocket and held out a lipstick tube, uncapping it to reveal a bright red tube.

Natsu narrowed his eyes at his girl. "Why do you have lipstick with you, Lucy?"

"None of your business!"

Erza took the lipstick from Lucy and started scribbling. First she draw a small diagonal line, and at the bottom end of ot, drew a spiral. At the arc of the curve, she drew a small triangle. "It looked something like this," she said, holding up her work.

The others leaned in to take a look. Natsu was the first to comment. "Huh... looks like, the head of some sort of bird."

Erza clicked her tongue and whacked Natsu on the head. "Rude! Anyway... we could try showing this around to people. Perhaps someone knows. Lucy, you hold onto this."

Lucy took the paper from Erza, folded it neatly and kept in her pocket. Erza also returned her tube of lipstick.

"I think we'll need a photo of Wendy too. We could try showing it to people, maybe they've seen her around," Gray suggested.

Natsu nodded and had to agree. So did Carla.

"Who has a photo?" Lucy asked.

No one answered for a while till Happy spoke up. "I'll go back to the guild and ask Reedus to create one!"

"Good idea," said Carla. "I'll come with you, he-cat."

Happy started to flail. "Really, Carla?!"

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