11 - There Is Hope

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"Face it, guys! We're lost! We don't know where we're going anymore." Gray crossed his arms, scowling. "We've been walking forever, and we still haven't found a clue as to where Wendy is." 

"Gray! Don't be like that!" Lucy exclaimed, hitting Gray at his arm. "You shouldn't be so negative. We'll find her in no time!"

Natsu spoke up as well. "She's right, Gray. We shouldn't give up. Even I can't pick up Wendy's scent yet, but hey, no giving up. Since when did Fairy Tail give up on anything? Erza, where do we go?" 

"We keep walking," said Erza flatly. 

"Erza, aren't you uncomfortable wearing that suit of armor all this time?" asked Gray.

"Gray, aren't you uncomfortable with no shirt all this time?" Erza shot back, narrowing at Gray's topless body. 

Gray looked down at his bare torso, and immediately searched for the shirt he had been wearing. "What the...! Where did it go this time?!"

Happy came flying back to them, panting softly. "E-Everyone...! I managed to see another village, not far from here. Although it's kind of foggy in there, but maybe someone there can help us!"

Erza stood up straight at the cat's words. "Really?"


"Well, come on, everyone! Happy, lead the way!" Natsu exclaimed, grinning widely as he prepared to leave. 

"Aye, sir!"


"What does that mean? Why do you have to train me? Am I going to fight?" 

Konohamaru had just explained to Wendy the additional orders of Lady Tsunade, that he was to train her ninja ways and techniques. Although he thought Wendy could have a hard time with that, he still tried to convince her. Besides, he did want to spend time with her as well. 

He suddenly remembered Tsunade's words before he left her office, and the thought made him blush but he cleared his throat. "N-No, Wendy, you're not going to fight, don't worry! It's just... Lady Tsunade's orders. You, uh... you never know when you're going to need it..."

Wendy considered this for a moment before speaking up softly, her hand running a hand through her blue hair. "W-Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to give that a try," she said, smiling a bit. "But I can't promise to do well. I trip and fall most of the time."

Konohamaru shook his head. "No, no, it's totally fine. I mean, you gotta start somewhere, right?" Deep inside, he was thrilled. Wendy just agreed in letting him teach her everything he knew about being a ninja. Which meant he did have more time to spend with her. As much as how embarrassed it made him, he admitted to himself that Tsunade was right about that. Clearing his throat, Konohamaru spoke up. "Are you ready now, Wendy?" 

"Yes, I am." 

Wendy was currently getting ready to head to Tsunade, in order to continue what they had started the other day, the day when Wendy passed out while she being with Tsunade. Konohamaru badly wanted to know what it was but no one was telling him what it is. Only Wendy and Tsunade knew about it. 



"Are you alright?" 

"Hm, yes, of course! Are you ready now? Let's go." 


Konohamaru left the house with Wendy right behind him. As they started walking through the streets, he spoke up again. "Wendy, can we do your training in the mornings?" he asked, looking over at the dragon slayer who walked by his side now. 

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