Chapter 2: Rude Welcoming

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Almost there.

The h/c girl thought as she was barely entering the gates of Excalibur High that appeared to be made of gold. This school certainly catches eyes of many passersby.

It has been about 3 weeks since y/n has received her acceptance letter and now that summer has ended, y/n must go back to school. But not to her regular, public school. But to Excalibur High after getting a scholarship. This is certainly a once in a life time chance.

For what seemed like the 10th time, y/n leaned on the nearest thing, the gate, for support. She was out of breath and was barely even walking.

'I'm not exactly, or nowhere near, the definition of fit,' she thought.

After a minute y/n continue to walk towards the front doors of the school. The school looked like a castle, it had a royalty feeling basically. Y/n took a moment to observe her surroundings, take it all in, then make her way inside. The inside was just as impressive as the outside. The corridors were clean, the lockers looked brand new, there were stairs that looked like the ones from Cinderella that lead to the second floor, and a magnificent chandelier hung over head. No other students where here yet, she came 30 minutes earlier to prepare and meet the headmistress. Y/n must have been standing there looking around for sometime before she heard someone call to her.

"Ah, the scholarship student, Ms. L/n! It's a pleasure to finally see you face to face!" Said a pretty women who was smiling brightly and approaching me. She had silver hair, beautiful blue eyes, and was dressed in office attire.

"I'm Abigail Anderson, headmistress of Excalibur High. It's nice to see you!" She held out her hand and y/n shook her hand. It was kind of awkward. Their attire differed in many ways. The headmistress looked like she had a makeup artist and fashion designer prepare her while y/n was wearing her old school's uniform. She had on saggy pants, and a shirt a size or two bigger with the Excalibur High crest sewn on. It's not that she was embarrassed with her clothing preference. She actually like clothes a bit bigger and dreaded dresses, skirts, too short shorts, or anything tight. She liked to dress this way, it's comfortable to her. But she probably should have iron her clothes to give a bit more of a good expression, they did have a wrinkle here and there. Oh well.

"Please follow me to my office so we can go get your schedule, supplies, and locker combination. Let's not hesitate, you have so much to see!" She cheered, she reminded you a bit of aunt Cady.


"Okay, that should be all, if you need any help you can come to me or ask a fellow peer! I placed your locker next to my son, so you can ask him for help if you need to! Have a wonderful first day!" The headmistress said cheerfully as y/n left her office and closed the door behind her. Y/n made a mental note to somehow introduce her aunt to the headmistress. They'd be the best of friends. She wasn't what you expected. Usually one would picture a strict lady as headmistress.

Y/n looked at the paper that had her locker number on it: 127 3rd floor. The headmistress' office is on the 7th floor. Y/n has to walk down 4 flights of stairs. That's just wonderful, she thought sarcastically.


By the time y/n managed to get to the 3rd floor, which took awhile, students began to show up. They all looked as you expected.


They were well groomed, tidy, and graceful. They looked as if they just walked out of magazine. You think your eyes were playing tricks on you, but you could swear they sparkled as if they were jewels.

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