Chapter 7: Lunch

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After Y/n's departure from the teasing Julian, she continued on with the rest of her morning classes. Brandon rejoined the female as her guide a few minutes after tea ceremony and flower arrangement class (TCFA) was over.

He explaining he got in trouble for playing a little prank on the class by pretending to have drank some dangerous substances and fake death in front of everyone; the chemistry certainly didn't see it as a 'little' joke.

Everything seemed to go by smoothly for the rest of the morning classes.


As the afternoon came, so did the students' lunch period. As Y/n walked out of history class, with an unusual spring in her steps, she had her mind focused only on that delectable treat her aunt made for her sitting in her locker; waiting for her.

As y/n reached her locker, she quickly unlocked it and placed her things in it. She then took out a brown, paper bag that held her lunch she so looked forward to.

"Princess!~ Are you ready for lunch?...Oh, what's that you got there?" The hyper bluenette asked the stoned faced female, who seemed to hold the paper bag so fondly. "Eh? Oh, hello Brandon. This," she slightly held up the bag, "is my lunch." She stated.

"Oh! Well then, let's go to lunch, we can sit together Princess!~ I can introduce you to other students! How does that sound to you~?" Brandon exclaimed, grabbing her hand and dragging the girl with him; not waiting for her answer. "Um, no. I plan on eating alone Brandon." Y/n said monotonously. The male halted and turn to the female flabbergasted. "Why Princess? I don't want you to get lonely." The blue eyed male said in a childish tone giving her puppy eyes. "That won't happen, promise." The female said bored, hand over her heart as to swear she was speaking the truth.

Brandon gave the female a skeptical look. He eventually sighed, and smiled and brightly once again. "I see! You're just being shy Princess~ But I'll respect it! Alright, I'll see you soon!" Brandon smiled and began to skip away, waving goodbye to the female.

Y/n sighed, she held nothing against the blue headed male; actually she really appreciated his help. She simply wanted to be alone. And to be honest, she wanted a quiet lunch; but with the outgoing bluenette that wouldn't be possible.

As the h/c haired teen walked away to find a staircase that was a good distance away to block out the chattering that she assumed came from the cafeteria.

As the female approached the stairs that lead to the 4th floor staircase, which she decided was a good place to eat her lunch, she didn't think she would see someone already sitting on the top step. Well more like sleeping. The brunette on the top step opened his eyes slightly from hearing footsteps approach, then halt.

"Hm...Sorry didn't know someone was already here." The female apologized as the male's green eyes widen.

"Y-y/n?" Ethan said surprised.

"Yeah. Again, I'm sorry I interrupted your nap Ethan. I'll be going now" Y/n mumbled as she turned and began to leave the male to rest again. "W-wait! U-umm, you can stay if you w-want to. I-I don't mind." Ethan said hastily. " thank you Ethan. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Y/n said monotonously. "N-not at all! I-I don't mind the company....I was g-going to begin my lunch anyways once I w-woke up." Ethan said shyly.

"Hmmm..." Y/n really was looking forward to not being surrounded by other students for an hour. She could just say no and walk away, no questions asked. Albeit, Ethan was very shy and quiet guy, he certainly wouldn't be a bother to her. Also the female didn't want to waste even more time to find another secluded area, when she could be eating.

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