Chapter 12: Only Begun

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      As the two students walked out of the gymnasium, the taller one continued to point out evidence from what happen earlier. "Just let it go. Why are you still on about that? Shouldn't I be the one upset, I mean, I the one who got slammed." Y/n said tiredly. Even though she mostly sat out throughout the game, the raven haired teen zapped the energy out of her. "Exactly, you should! Don't you want to find out who did this and get justice?!" Zacharias snared. "...No, not really." The e/c eyed teen spoke honestly. "Seriously!?" He said, a tick mark appearing on his forehead. 

   "Ah, Y/n your finally out! I thought you were going to make me wait here all day for you~" Brandon said with a close I'd smile when he finally spotted the h/c clutching her head with one hand and exciting the gymnasium with a taller boy by her side. "You don't have to wait here for me, I never asked." She said in her normal mundane tone. 

"So this guy just follows you around all day or something?" The raven haired boy questioned. In actuality, that was a question that has been bothering Zacharias  for quite some time now. He often spotted the two walking down the corridors together. At first, he didn't care really, but from further investigation (Which really was him scrutinizing the two unconsciously, and when he caught himself or a teammate pointed it out, he would turn scarlet.) he observed that their relationship, if you could even call it that, was seemly one-sided. It was odd really, their friendship seemed so obscured through his eyes. He began to wonder who was the blue haired teen, for he seemed strangely close to his partner. He even often saw the blue haired teen, like today, waiting for her outside of the gymnasium. He didn't know why he was so curious, it really wasn't any of his business, so he tried to leave it alone. But now, Zacharias took the chance to eye the slightly smaller blue haired teen up and down. He never spoke to the boy before, there wasn't a reason to. 

   Taking a good look at the boy, Brandon recognized him as Zacharias Lennox, the team caption of their school's track and field team. He was the shinning star in the nationals last year; breaking several track and field event records, many that have remained unchanged for years until then. Yeah, he was well known around the school for his athletic skills, and just as well known for feisty attitude and open hate of the opposite sex.  As much as Brandon has gotten to know Y/n, he could say that Zacharias isn't someone she would surround herself with.Brandon couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable sensation build up in his gut, and a faint worrisome frown form on his face. 

   "Kind of like what your doing now?" Y/n retorted sarcastically. Reddening, but choosing to ignore her remark, Zacharias continued. "I've seen you two walk around the halls a lot. I though you two were just a weird combination of friends." The raven haired athlete said as if the blue haired boy wasn't even there. He just wanted to put the questions to rest already. 

    Starting to feel annoyed himself with the athletic prodigy, Brandon faked a careless grin and answered for the tired female. "Ah, but me and Y/n are friends! That's why we are around each other a lot. You could say we're close, right Princess?~" Brandon spoke happily, yet slightly sharp. Zacharias eyebrows furrowed, 'Princess...!?'

   "Well, I wouldn't say that..." Y/n answered honestly. "Princess, how could you be so cold? You don't need to be shy!" Brandon said as ruffled Y/n hair affectionately only to stop abruptly when he felt a bump on her head. Y/n hissed faintly, more annoyed than in pain, and swatted his hand away fluidly.  "Please don't-" The e/c eyed teen was cut off by the frantic blonde. "Y/n, what happened!? Are you okay? How...Who..!?" Brandon said hurriedly.

    "What happened, eh!?" Brandon asked alarmed. "Got hit by a ball, but its mostly alright now though." Y/n said, shrugging it off.  "A ball? What were you guys playing today? Hammer ball!?" He said in disbelief. 

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