Chapter 15: Ruckus In The Library

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A teenage girl walked into the library of Excalibur High, bearing a very somber expression (well, more than usual.) She tilted her head to the left and right in search of the Headmistress' feisty son.

The h/c haired teen made little to know effort in searching for the albino amongst the vast library. If he requested her to see her here, he should be the one waiting near the entrance for her arrival; she didn't even want to be here. Yet, it wasn't too difficult to locate the pompous brat considering all she had to do was follow the sound of loud thudding that echoed in the mostly tranquil room. 'Wherever there is mayhem, there is some d*ck causing it,' she humored herself. And lo and behold, there sat a pissed off looking Damien, furiously crashing his fist on the oak desk repeatedly while aggressively murmuring something incoherent. Y/n was stopped by two forms huddling behind a large bookshelf. "Erm, are you alright ma'am?" Y/n questioned, uncomfortable. Y/n recognized the two ladies as two of Librarians that worked here, one muttered shakingly, "w-we've tried to ask him to quiet down and respect the other students, b-but he threatened to have us fired for sexual assault!" The other one said hastily, "all I did was tap his shoulder! Swear!"

"I believe you...?" It came out sounding more like a question due to the awkward disposition Y/n found herself in, but had no doubt the lady was telling the truth. She knew Damien and well enough.

The e/c colored teen mentally prepared herself for whatever torture the devil's spawn had in mind for her as she approached him. "Afternoon," she said curtly as she pulled out a chair and sat down. Damien jumped a bit due to her sudden appearance, but quickly began to glare her down. "What took you so long?! How dare you make me wait!" His voice was outraged. "Sorry," she said while rolling her eyes, "but this is a big room, plus, it took me five minutes, tops, to find you. Cool it with the noise, you're distracting people." The girl scolded.

"Excuse me!-" Damien began. "Shhh," The h/c teen interrupted. "Now, just so I haven't wasted my time by coming here, what did you want? You said it involved school, right?" Y/n asked bluntly. "As if I'd tell you with that attitude!" The male snapped, red in the face. Despite his putrage, his very prominent yells turned to whisper screams.

Y/n's face remind cool and calm. "Okay then..." Damien's face became smug once again, thinking he tamed the h/c's 'rebellious' nature.'Looks like she finally understands her place,' he thought snobbishly. "Good, looks like you do have some sense in y-"

"I'm leaving," She said as she swung her book bag over her shoulder and stood, "you obviously have nothing of interest for me." The albino's face was that of shock, and then anger, "hey!" Damien forced himself to not flip the table over. 'Goddammit, this b*tch is too difficult to work with!' He thought. "Fine. Sit down and listen to what I have to say." He demanded. The female raised and eyebrow. He then added, "and I believe you'll find of much interest. You may not like it, but I don't care." Giving him a suspicious look, Y/n sat down hesitantly.

Damien crossed his leg in a way that had him seem elite. 'Well, to be fair, he kinda hard as it is to tell sometimes by his crudeness.' She thought. "Now, here's the thing, we, that is, the student council and I, have notice you have yet to join an after school activity." Damien stated matter-of-factly. Y/n nodded, scrunching her face in a confused manner. "Well, it is required that all financially supported by the school students, to join at least one activity for three quarters of the year, at least that is the minimum." Y/n was silent for a second, "alright, how long and often do I have to stay if a join a club?" The h/c haired girl asked. "Usually no less than three hours, four times a week," he responded calmly. "What? No, I can't stay that long." Y/n responded quickly, eyes for the first time, Damien notice, showing urgency. "Why?" He asked suspiciously. "I have things to do already, I can't have an after school activity take up that much of my time." Damien gave her a conceited look, "well, what did you expect? You have to contribute to the school somehow after it has let someone of your social class in. Geez, I wonder how you managed to get in here with that head of yours."

"...I see....Well, thank you for telling me this." Y/n said, a thoughtful yet worried expression was imprinted on her face. "..One more question...will the headmistress be in her office before class begins tomorrow?" The e/c eyed teen asked. Damien scoffed, "Of course, she is the headmistress." Y/n nodded once again and bid goodbye to the albino goodbye. She really must get back home and help Aunt Cady with unloading the new delivery of flour sacks.

Damien watched her leave with an apprehensive look. He had the strangest feeling that he ought to have questioned her sudden, but subtle, change of mood. Yet, that would mean he'd have to show concern for her, and he surely wouldn't show concern for such a lowly peasant as her. No, not him. He then left after a while, seeing no purpose to still be there, much to the two librarians' relief.







By the time Y/n, Aunt Cady had already carried two of the eight sacks of flour inside the storage closet. She helped out with the rest, like usual, and spent the rest of the evening finishing up her homework while working at the cash register. Y/n ended up giving the petunia to Aunt Cady, saying she 'picked it randomly' on the way back from school. "Really? That's odd, I'd thought it'd be to chilly for any flowers to still around here! Doesn't matter, it's cute!"







The next day, Y/n left early for school. She wanted to arrive earlier considering she planned to meet with the headmistress to discuss the mandatory after school activity she must partake in.

She managed to arrive fifteen minutes before first period started. After asking the secretary for permission to see the headmistress, she was admitted two minutes later.

Headmistress Anderson was as bubbly as ever, which was a relief to the teen. Hopefully she'd be more willing to see things through her perspective. And she was, Ms. Anderson seemed to understand the circumstances Y/n was in. She could not give up the required time asked for by the after school activities considering she was her Aunt's only 'employee' and needed to spent her time there. Joining a club and being required to stay that often and that late would put difficulty on both hers and her Aunt's lives.

"I see, but I cannot let you skip out on this requirement, Y/n, it would be unfair to the other students accepted here like you were...But, I believe I do have a solution." Ms. Anderson suddenly smiled brightly, she quickly walked towards her filing cabinet and pulled out a file form the neatly alphabetized folders. "You see, you are extremely fortunate that one of our senior students canacled just yesterday on his volunteer tutoring...I'm sure with your grades you'd be able to take they're place! You'd only have to stay after for an hour or two and help out other students struggling or falling behind a bit...Of course, you don't have a choice on the students you would have to assist, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Your only required to partake twice a week for three quarters of the year...What do you think? You know, Miss L/n, this is a very big opportunity.

"Usually, we'd never be short on a student tutor considering the position is very lenient for one's schedule......many students like that. I'm positive that if you hadn't come here before I saw any other student in the next few hours, that position would have been filled once more. Understand?" Ms. Anderson said with an uncharacteristic authority.

Oh, the h/c haired teen understood it clearly. This was a chance she couldn't miss, this was as coincidental as it was a miracle. "Yes, I do. " Y/n replied quickly, an undertone of pure relief was evident. Ms.Anderson looked please before going back to her familiar dazzling grins. "So, then are you interested?" Y/n nodded once again, "very much."



Author's note-

  I swear some  yandere moments or thoughts will happen after the next two to three chapters. I've made you wait long enough. 

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