Chapter 8: Slice of Life

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As soon as lunch ended the female continued on with the rest of her afternoon class. To tired from her morning classes, she didn't even bother to introduce herself to any other teacher, much less, to another classmate.

The female walked to her last class of the day, alongside with the blue haired male. He spoke happily, like usual, "We're finally in a class together Y/n!~ We should sit next to each other!"

The e/c eyed teen gave the bluenette a uncertain look before responding. "Alright..." Y/n hesitated to accept. Brandon was a nice guy, sure, but may bother her when working. Did she really want to risk her grades?

"Great!" He chirped.


Mrs. Lee, their, English teacher, sat at her desk, taping away on the keyboard of her laptop. The e/c eyed teen looked lazily at the clock, wishing for it to move faster. She had already finished, and turned in her paper about ten minutes ago. Her e/c eyes drifted back to the book in front of her. She decided to just read until the end of the class.

"Pssst, Princess~!"

Of course, a certain bluenette came to rescue the female from boredom. Not knowing it was only irritating the female further.

"...what is it this time Brandon?" The h/c decided respond quietly.

"I just wanted to ask you for your opinion on my paper. I want your approval!~" The blued eyed male beamed.

"I suppose so..." The h/c teen obliged.

Brandon handed y/n his paper with a cheeky grin. "I hope you like it Y/n~ I did my best!"

The female gave him the slightest nod, then scanned the paper with her e/c eyes. Brandon waited patiently for the h/c haired girl to finish reading his paper.

"Hm, you have two or three run on sentences, and I don't think it would be wise to use 'cuz'." The h/c haired teen said bluntly.

Brandon was momentarily taken back by the female's criticism, he then gave her a closed eyed smile. "Thanks, I'll make sure to make those changes!" Y/n nodded, then returned to reading her book.

The blue eyed male made the corrections to his paper in less the five minutes, turn it in, then sat down. Now all he had to do was wait for the bell.

Sitting in silence allowed his mind to wonder over to a certain h/c haired female next to him. Now that she knew the location of all her class, will they have a reason to converse tomorrow? Of course, they did have English together; but that was only for 1 hour and a half at the end of the day. He slightly frowned at the thought of having such limited time to be around the female. He strangely wanted to spend more time with this enigma, get to know her better. 'That shouldn't be too hard! We are friends, friends hang out! I'm sure she would love to hang out sometime...!' He thought to himself, trailing off at the end. Now that he thought about it, when he invited her to sit with him at lunch, she declined. It almost was like she wanted to keep distance; she wanted to be alone instead. Maybe she wasn't used to having friends?

'Maybe...she doesn't want me to be her friend?'

Brandon shook his head at that. ', it must have been because she wasn't used to having any. She was too shy~!' Everyone was friends with him, he just had the charm to befriend anyone. When he smiled, they always smiled back. Even if there wasn't a reason at all to! He was Brandon, mostly everyone adored Brandon.

Yet...there was her. The very female that sat next to him, currently lost in some story.


"So Princess, what will you be doing this afternoon~?" Brandon asked in a sugary tone. "Well, I guess nothing exciting really. A normal routine." The female answered monotonously.

While in reality, she would just eat, perhaps take a nap, do any homework given, help out Auntie. Her sleeping schedule was quite random, considering night is the time she would watch animes, read all type of things ranging from fanfics to classics, etc. Those sort of things, why bore Brandon with the details?

They were now approaching the golden gates at the front of the school. The h/c female stared straight ahead, half listening to the blue headed male, who was giving full details of his plans for the afternoon.

"-And that's all, really. Not much, I guess I'm a lazy guy, huh Y/n?~" He joked. "Aren't we all?" The female responded.

"Well, my ride should be here soon, it was fun meeting you Princess!...So, see you tomorrow?~" He asked, managing to keep his cheerful tone while asking the female the question that's been on his mind.
The e/c eyed teen had to paused for a moment. They did have English together, but that was pretty much it. Why would there even be a reason for them to strengthen ties? She would be surprised if he even acknowledge her existence by the end of the week.

"We do have a class together, Brandon." The girl gave the most indirect answer possible. "True!~ Besides that, we're friends! Isn't that right, Y/n?" He chuckled. It took the teen a few seconds to answer. "Umm, I suppose?" The girl answered, sounding very uncertain. He was quite loud, she could feel her eardrum beating. Brandon's smile twitched imperceptibly.

"I should really should go now. Bye, Brandon...Oh and one more thing. Don't shout to much, it gets kind annoying." The h/c female waved goodbye as she walked down the sidewalk, not even giving him one final glance. 'This kid is sweet, but awfully loud.'

Rooted to the ground, the male slowly regained control. He than did something that from a passersby's point of view, it might have seemed like he was losing his mind. He began to laugh. 'Man, isn't she something!~'

At that moment he decided he would make Y/n happy. He wanted her to open up to him, smile, joke, and call him a good friend. It was almost like destiny was planning their a counter. Almost like those slice of life mangas he would read! Brandon knew he was attracted to her for some reason; he would be her hero!

A polished black Mercedes approach. One of the Edwards' family many cars pulled up in front of the young man. He put his head phones back on, entered the car, and began to drive away. As he headed home, he thought of how his first day back in school turned out to be. Honestly, the same as always: Met up with friends, some who he couldn't even remember. Terrorized a teacher or two. Talked to more strangers who claimed to have met him at some party over the summer. Too many faces to remember, but one new faced remained in his mind.

'Y/n, one day you'll trust me, just you see!' The bluenette thought.


"I'm home!" The teen shouted as she entered the apartment her aunt Cady and her lived in. Cady came out from the kitchen, flour on her apron, wiping her hands with a rag. "So, how's the school, Y/n? Did ya' make any friends~?!" The hyper Cady asked.

"The teachers are okay, the school all in all, is a sight to see... Oh, I also met some kids. Most were irritating, but one or two were alright!" The female said flatly.

"Ah, so you've made friends after all!" The woman said, sounding slightly astonished. She didn't have a lot if expectation for this to happen so soon! She wasn't fond of most people, but hey, she said two were alright! That was good enough for now.

"That's great! Hey, I was just heading to the market, want to come?" The female's aunt asked. Her bright (e/c) shinning.

"Sure." Y/n answered.


Author's note-

Sorry I've been putting off this chapter for some time now. I'm was having some trouble explaining Brandon's reason for wanting to stick with the reader. Next chapter I'm hoping for all of them to 'join together' so it'll be easier. Either way, it's something I've been wondering how I'll pull it off since the first chapter, so it's most likely going to be a lengthy chapter and take time to create.

Good day/night.

edited 7/3/17

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