Chapter 3: Friend?

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After y/n's 'not so eventful' meeting with Damien and finding her locker, y/n moved on to her new objective: Finding her Math classroom.

And after that, every other classroom.

Y/n was exhausted; she felt as if she's been walking through desert without water for days. She started to think she was going around in circles.

Y/n paused momentarily to just relaxed and figure out which way to go next. 'Why....why, didn't the headmistress give me a map? Oh right, it was because she thought her darling son would be a gentleman and help a fellow classmate out. didn't turn out quite right, did it.' Y/n thought bitterly.

Y/n was done, she was just going to ask for directions to anyone willing to point the way. She glanced around and quickly spotted a boy with sky blue hair and eyes walking pass. He had headphones on and was humming a tune happily as he walked by. Y/n approached him and hesitated to tapped him on his shoulder. He seemed startled as he looked around then down at you with wide eyes.

"Oh, hello there! Haven't seen you around, would you happen to to be new?" He asked as he put his headphones around his neck and beamed at you.

"Yes, I am. I don't mean to disturb you, but do you know where," y/n looked down at her schedule, "math with Mr.Connor is?" Y/n asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Course I do, come on, I'll show you the way! I have science first, but I pass that classroom on my way there." He grinned and grabbed you hand and began to pull you along. He was running which was hard for you to keep up, but you didn't complain. He was after all showing you to your class.

"My name is Brandon Edwards  by the way, what's yours?" He asked, giving you a smile. "Y/n L/n" You say trying to keep your breath steady.

"That's a cute name! Come on slowpoke, keep up! We're almost there." He giggled. "You should be a personal trainer or something" you said. 'He really does know how to encourage someone' y/n thought.

His sky blue eyes widen at your remark then smiled more radinantly. "Funny aren't you Princess?" He said cheerfully. People don't tell him off for being hyper, they usually found him fun! He was the person you wanted to hang out with, but y/n seemed annoyed. That was new to him.

Y/n's e/c eyes widen a bit at his words. She preferred to be call by her actual name, but frankly it didn't matter much.

"So where did you come from?" Brandon asked, trying to start a conversation. "Oh, from Phoniex High." The h/c haired girl stated. That was her old high school she went to up until now. One thing shel liked about her old school was that it was way closer to her home the Excalibur is, but compared to the inside and outside of this school. That's a different story...

"Really? Haven't heard of it. Is from some other country?" He asked confused. "No, it about 25 minutes away from here if you walk." Y/n said bluntly. "Really? What's your last name if you don't mind me asking?" He asked with curiosity. "L/n." Said Y/n, not meeting his curious gaze. "Never heard of it. Any family business? Famous relative?" Brandon asked. Y/n realize what he was trying to find out and decided just to tell him or it would be non-stop questioning. "No, I got in by a scholarship" she said.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound rude!" He said said, fearing the h/c haired girl might take offence to his questions. "No at all. There really isn't anything to apologize for." She said truthfully. "But that's pretty impressive, you must be pretty smart Princess!" He said bubbly. "Thank you Brandon." Y/n said calmly.

"So, are you missing any friends from your old school?" He asked nicely. "No, didn't really have any. Some acquaintance though." She said not caring to go further into details. You really weren't so outgoing which caused many to find you boring to be around. Oh well.

"So does this make me your first friend!" Brandon asked cheerfully.

"Huh? Friend?" Y/n asked a bit taken back. 'Does this boy see me as a friend just like that? Did he even want to be my friend, or is it out of pity?'

"What? You don't have to if you don't want to." Y/n said, eyes wide.

"Of course I do! Look! There's your class!" He said pointing to a door on the left. You both slow down and stop in front of the classroom door. You began to catch your breath.

"Thank you Brandon for the help." Y/n said meeting his gaze. "No problem, anytime Princess! If you want I could show you to your next classroom after this one!" He said. He really wanted to get to know you, even for your lack of emotions he liked the chat you two had on the way to your classroom.

"Really? Thank you, I would like that." Y/n said, though hesitated.  "No need to thank me, that's what friends are for, right?" He said bubbly. "Give me your locker number and I'll wait for you there!" He said. Y/n took out the little piece of paper showed him her locker number and then put it back with the rest of her papers. "See you in a hour then y/n!" He said and began to walk away.

Y/n still surprised by what happened hastily spoke. "Umm..." she muttered. "Yes?" He asked as he turned to face her with a smile. "...Goodbye Brandon, see you after class." She said at Brandon and waved goodbye as she entered the classroom. She actually wanted to tell him that she wasn't really in for making friends, but decided to let it go. He'll forget her tomorrow, perhaps even forget he was to show her to her next classroom.

'what a strange boy' You thought, but had to put that aside as you looked around the classroom. It's time to work.


Brandon was confused, standing still in the middle of the hall. He then smiled brightly himself. This time the tables have turned. He was the one who wanted to befriend someone. He didn't know exactly why, but it he really did want to! He hoped that would happen soon. Really soon.

He put his headphones back on and continued to walk to his class, humming a happy tune that echoed in the hall. Thinking of a certain e/c eyed girl.

'What a funny girl!' He thought and chuckled to himself.

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