Chapter 9: A Month and a Half Later

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A month and a half has passed since the first day of school for y/n, but the walk from home to school and back didn't seem to feel any shorter for the female. If anything, it lengthened. It might have been because of the cool autumn weather that made it feel like an eternity to arrive at the front gates, or perhaps it may also had to do with the unwanted company of a certain bluenette.

"Ugh, that english report took me until 1 in the morning to complete!" The blue eyed male vented his conflict out at the H/c haired teen. "I tried my best in the beginning, but towards the end I just said heck with it. All I can hope for is a C, if I'm lucky." the male sighed before taking in a breath of air. "How about you, Princess? Did you think it was easy?" He questioned the h/c the walked besides him. "Somewhat," she answered back, too tired to go into description. "Really? Well, I guess that's to be expected of you Y/n.~

Sometime during the first week of school, the hyperactive teen would casually meet the female half way down the path she took to get to school. When she questioned why did he choose walk to school, when he could have rode to school. 'Didn't he have a ride on the first day?' How could she forget, that must have been the fanciest car she's ever seen in person. His answer was simply that it was more convenient for his driver, (who's name happened to be Alester, as she found out during his explanation) who had to go run a few daily errands after dropping off Brandon at school. If he dropped Brandon off a few blocks aways from the school, he would save the trouble of having to go around the entire neighborhood to to get back on route. This would save him quite some time. Brandon gladly volunteered to walk the rest of the way to school, he felt that after all the service his driver has done for the Edwards family, it was the least he could do.

The female couldn't help, but admire his selfless act. Well, at least at the moment she did. Now, she somewhat wished he would walk to school on some other street. It also didn't help that the bluenette seemed to around as often as he could. He still sometimes walked her to her classes, even though she has told him many times he no longer had to. Still, he would laugh and say that he did it because that's what friends do.

As much as it sounded like she hated the bluenette, it was far from it. It was simply that she founded him, well, annoying. Very annoying. For the past month, she was quite surprised to see that he still seemed to willing want to be around her. What made him so determine to stick around, she had no clue of.
At the moment she seemed to be tolerating him, but slowly, she seemed to be 'warming' up to him.

"So, today I have science in the morning, how about you?" Brandon asked. "P.E...Isn't that a nice way of starting the day." Y/n said sarcastically. Brandon laughed and swung his arm around the h/c shoulders. "The way you put it, it's like you're being sent to the gallows Y/n~" Brandon said jokingly. "Might as well be. You wouldn't want to switch places, would you?" Y/n responded, lazily removing his arm. They passed through the school gates and walked towards the entrance.

"Poor you~ It's such a shame we don't have a few classes's so unfair I only see so little of you!" Brandon said as he pouted. "But I see you in between every class, and on the walk to school. I think that's enough." The female stated coolly. "You know what I mean Y/n!...why am I even friends with someone so cold?" Brandon asked more towards himself, giving himself a dose of self pity.

"It's not my fault you have horrible judgement..." Y/n said while rolling her e/c eyes. The female teen quickened her steps and entered the building, the male teen quickly following. "Aww, Y/n, you know I was just kidding! Friends say things they don't always mean...let's just forget it, okay?!~" He chuckled.

"I don't think I can. I feel betrayed, how could you Brandon? And you call me the cold one." The female said in a cool tone, with slight sarcasm.

Brandon smirked at her response. She seemed to get more comfortable with joking around with him as the days passed. Sure, to others it might seem like nothing, but it seemed more like an accomplishment to Brandon. Of course, joking around with friends was normal, so what made this any different? Well, this is y/n we're talking about. Any small development was an accomplishment; at least to Brandon. He just didn't want to give up.

"Neh~ Now I'm the cold one? Fine then, I'm sorry Princess. Please forgive me?~" Brandon asked with a closed eye smile.


"See! You're too cruel!" Brandon whinned.

As they walked towards the female's locker, like usual, onlookers watched with cocked eyebrows as the teen cried out. It's been a bit over a month and the students were still baffled by the two. Y/n still tried to ignore their stares thinking, "Don't be rude."

"Well, I gotta get going now, Y/n! See you later, okay?!~" Brandon said as they finally separated. He waved ethusiastically , while the female waved back lazily and continued walking forward. She knew she'd most likely see him after P.E, or in her next class.

"He follows you around like a dog. Poor boy, he must be blind or something. Perhaps just plain stupid." The albino said with false sympathy. He was leaning leisurely against his locker when the female approached. Almost looked like he was waiting for someone, but as he cleared several times whenever the female asked him why did he always seem to be just standing around when he could be heading to class or taking to someone. Each time which he'd responded with something along the lines of; "I don't need a reason! I especially don't need to give one to the likes of you! Filth!" , "What? Don't think I'm waiting for you. Ha! How dare you, a peasant be so smug! I just want to rest my back, okay!?" , "Because then I'd get to see a circus freak every morning for no feed! Ha!" ,

 "You don't run this place! My mother will hear of this!" , "None of your business, peasant!" Etc.

During sometime, she stopped asking.

When she didn't respond, the smug child continued, "Honestly, I didn't think anyone would have such low standards to willingly talk to something like you. Unless you payed him!..wait...pssh, like you'd have enough money to do that..." The male teen sighed. The female kept her face neutral and began to work on her combination lock. He snorted at her carelessness, but at this point knew it was no use in snapping at her. A devilish smirk grew on his face as he came up with another theory, "ah! You probably blackmailed him! I wouldn't be surprised, I know you're a diabolical woman!"

The female glanced at him for a moment, wondering why he wouldn't just shut up. "Are you planning on incriminating me?" She asked smoothly. Damien gave her a dirty look, "Maybe I should!"

The female rolled her eyes then took her lock off and opened the locker. Before she could even think of grabbing her P.E uniform, something else caught her eye immediately.

"Then they'd lock you away like the animal you are, you monstrous thing!" The albino finally noticed the female didn't mind him at all. That irked him. She seemed to be staring into her locker blankly, like she found Narnia.

"Are you even listening? Do you have the attention span of a goldfish? Hey-"

The female reached into her locker and revealed a single, beautiful, yellow flower.

At first, both had the same thought; "Who the f*ck would be stupid enough to give her/me a flower?"


Author's note~

I've decided to write shorter chapters so I won't take long leaves anymore for awhile. Honestly, I've been ignoring this book. I like being a reader more that a writer :\ I've also had the biggest writer's block really, a even have a draft for a new book. (Don't know when I should publish it, though, could take some time.) I also keep forgetting Brandon's name! As I'm quickly editing, I keep seeing Ethan's name! I could have sworn they had different names! Oh well, it's 2:30 a.m, I should go to or at least attempt to sleep. Schools in a few hours.

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