Chapter 11: No Accident

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   There was a moment of silence (well, excluding the SMACK sound as the ball made contact with Y/n head...and the "ugh" she let out before she fell to the ground...hard.)

   The rest of the class ceased moment and sound, and turned to look at the fallen soldier. Some winched, some let out a small cry, some even smirked a bit, some just stared in awe. But all thought the same thing:


   Even the instructor was in shock. "Did she pass out or something? She's not moving!" Someone screamed from the left side. Coach Barker seemed to snap out of some kind of trance, she quickly grabbed a water bottle and a towel, and then made to approach the girl.

   Y/n was dazed by what just happened, she took a moment to process what just occur and the feeling that came from the side of her head that felt oddly hot, and not to mention the aching coming from the back of her head. Y/n stared blankly at the ceiling for a moment, completely still, processing what had occurred, before finally deciding to sit up.

   Coach Barker ran to the oblivious teen; bottle and towel in hand. "Crap... Take a sip of this L/n." She held the bottle up to her the h/c's lips. Y/n gave her a questioning look and took the bottle in her own hands. The instructor gave her an awed expression before lifting her arm up to the teen's head and began examining the injuries. Coach Barker observed the area where the ball hit, it looked red and irritated, but not bleeding. One the back of her head, the coach pocked lightly at the bump forming. The e/c eyed female let out a bit of a 'tsk' at the contact.

   "Okay you don't look like you're bleeding, but that's a pretty big bump you got there. You should probably visit the nurse; may got a concussion or something..." She spoke in an unusually low tone.

   "No, I'm fine. Since I'm out may I go sit at the bleachers?" Y/n asked, feeling the need to keep her tone low as well.

   Sure, the bump was a bit painful, but it wasn't going to kill her. She'll just tough it out for now. Besides, if she left to the nurse's office who knows when she'll be back. May take hours, and she had her next class to got to. She just couldn't.

   "Are you sure? I really don't think so...Well, it's only a dodge ball...don't see how it could cause this much damage though...maybe it don't feel as bad as it looks? You sure about this L/n?" The coach said in hush tone, giving the girl a concern and curious look. "Mmh," Y/n hummed reassuringly.

   "Alright then... Sit out for the rest of the game." Coach ordered, pointing at the bleachers. Y/n nodded and stood up cautiously. She walked to the bleachers and sat down.

   "Alright, now who through that? Fess up!" Coach Barker demanded. "Not gonna, huh? Alright then anyone saw who did it?" No one spoke. Huffing in irritation. "Fine then! Next time it isn't raining outside, you're ALL going to run triple the laps!" The students groaned in protest. Some even glared at the h/c haired teen. Y/n wondered if that included her. "Now, continue on with the game!" Blowing her whistle and giving Y/n one last glance, she instructed to resume playing.

   Y/n started to plan out what her next move will be. She'll just stop by the nurse's office for a big bandage to cover it up during her free period. She was sure the nurse would probably be out around that time, so that was an opportunity for her to sneak in quickly and grab the bandage, then leave. Simple. So, it was just two hours of having to walk around with people looking at her like she was a mad woman. Great. Sighing, she place her hand on the bump. It wasn't that large really, but it was most likely discolored. She'll just cover it with her hair, no one would notice it if they don't look too closely.

   She'll be fine.


His eyes followed the red ball as it slammed to the side of the female's face, bounced off and rolled to the right corner of the room.

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