Chapter 14: Another Flower Found

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 It was on the morning of October the 13th that Y/n found yet again another gift in her locker. "Hmm, I thought this a one time prank or something," Y/n muttered to herself as she hung her coat on the locker's rack. Yet again, it was another flower, only this time, a simple purple one.

Y/N raised crinkled her forehead in thought; hadn't she learned what type of flower this was in TCFA class? 'Ummm...a petunia, wasn't it?' Y/n thought. She congratulated herself mentally, "well I'm not sure if I would call it my favorite, but it's the thought that counts," the h/c haired teen said, snorting slightly at the amusing thought that this was a genuine gift from an actual admire of her's. "Yeah, right. When pigs fly..." she trailed off. She supposed she'll just give the petunia to Aunt Cady like last time.

As the e/c eyed female grabbed her books, she almost left behind the small flower dictionary Julian had given her a couple weeks ago. She grabbed it before closing her locker. As much as she hated to admit it, this little dictionary was actually quite helpful. She was sorta worried she was becoming too depended on it for passing TCFA; a class she still thought was kinda unnecessary. Rarely would she ever need to identify the species of a flower unless she were stranded in the wilderness and wanted to avoid being poisoned, but that wasn't much help considering she lived thirty minutes away from the city. 'Well, I guess I could give Auntie some flowers on her birthday, it is coming up. She does love them very much, and she'll love them more when they have a message to them.' Y/n thought, knowing well Aunt Cady would probably become emotional at the deep thought and consideration her niece put into her gift.

Y/n paused for a moment; a humorous thought rose in her mind. What if the very gift that was give to her, that currently resided in her locker, had a meaning behind it? Could the person leaving these flowers perhaps be attempting to convey a message through the language of flowers?

Y/n snorted again, more loudly this time. "Great deduction skills Sherlock," the teen said to herself. She was thinking too deep into this.

"Talking and laughing to yourself? You crazy witch," a familiar voice said over her shoulder. Y/n paused as a frown made way to her face. She sighed, but did not face him. "What? Ignoring me or can't hear me over the voices in your head like the crazy person you are?" Damien continued to speak. "No...just thought of something funny is all," the e/c eyed teen said. The albino raised an eyebrow, "well, care to share it?" "No,"she said simply.

Damian scoffed, "fine, I bet it was terrible anyway." "Do you mind leaving me be, even for just this morning, please?' Y/n said, tired of this seemingly daily ritual of the male bothering her when he spotted her. Violet eyes glared at the female besides him and then said, "excuse me, but it my duty to make sure my subjects are in line!" Y/n rolled her eyes, "I hope one day a French Revolution happens in this school." Damine crinkled his forehead in confusion before glaring with more outrage, "hey, did you just imply you wanted me to be beha-" Y/n cut him off by saying, "I didn't say that, right?"

"F*ck off, pesant," the arrogant boy said. "Okay," the girl quickly complied, gladly attempting to walk off in a different direction. "hey! Stop!..I command you to halt you insolent girl!...God d*mn it, hold on, I actually have something you need to hear." Y/n faced him with a emotionless face, nonverbally saying, 'well get on with it.'

"Just...just stay after school and come to the library, got it!?" He demanded. "Can't, I'm busy." The cold female replied. "Why'll only take five minutes. Besides, it concerns school; I'm sure you'll be there." The smug smirk returned to Damien's face one he finished, knowing full well he had a point. Y/n sighed, nodding slowly.




At some point during lunch, while Ethan chewed on half the sub sandwhich Y/n shared with him she pulled out the little flower dictionary. It was a random feeling in her that decided to just check out the meaning of a petunia; the thought was kinda hovering over her subconscious since the morning. She flips to the 'P' unit, and finds 'Petunia.'

'Alright, let's see...rank: genus...scientific name: Petunia....' Y/n's e/c eyes widen slightly at what see read next.


Rank: genus    Scientific name: Petunia    Place of origin: South America

Symbolism: Often connected with resentment and anger. Often a warning of trouble is to come.

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