Chapter 13: The Devilish Nature of the Gentleman

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History wasn't much of a problem to get by, but pangs of pain came and went throughout the class and the one that followed. Ethan respected the h/c choice in waiting for break time to get her wound attended, but that didn't stop the concerned looks he sent her way from time to time.

By the time the bell rang, signaling the end of her third period, and the beginning of her break, Y/n began to feel the beginning symptoms of a common cold. Of course, it was just a small tickle forming at the back of her throat, but she already new it would only escalate from then on.

Waving goodbye to Ethan and promising to update him on her condition ( it's not like she was in critical condition, she told him off.)

Making her way to the nurse's office, expecting Brandon to be waiting just outside the infirmary. She decided to take the slightly longer route instead of the shorter one that made her come across her locker. She was in no mood to hear the ridicule of a certain albino. The smug look he'll have for sure on his face.

Despite popular belief, she did have pride.

Like Y/n was expecting, Brandon was right outside the nurse's office waiting for her. He introduced Y/n to the nurse and explained the situation at hand. The nurse quickly sanitized and bandaged the h/c haired girl.

And so that was how her day continued; with the constant struggle to risk scratching the healing wound. Her continued on pretty casually. That saying if you don't count the the oddly silent Daninem when he FINALLY crossed path with the girl coincidently. (He may, or may have not been searching for her since he hadn't seen her since before first period...but only because he thought she skipped class and he wanted to get her in trouble, though!) He was so shocked to see her in the state she was in, he didn't even finish calling her a b*tch. He didn't even mock her about it. He just stared for second to long before abruptly turning and marching off the opposite direction. As for Julian, he just 'accidentally' tapped her injury whenever he could..."D*ck..." She muttered.





Almost 3 weeks have passed since the accident and the surprise gift Y/n found in her locker, which she gave to her aunt who adored flowers. It had completely withered away a week ago, but Aunt got to at least take one photo of it in its beautiful state before it succumbed to its death.

"Ah, seems like you're already getting used to this." A melodious said.

'Ah, crap...' Y/n thought sourly. She turned to face the long haired Julian who crouched over her sitting form with a calm smile on his face. Y/N frowned, but answered nonchalantly. "Thanks, but it's nothing really impressive." Y/n replied with no humor, knowing his next words would be denigrating.

Over the short period of being sharing this classroom with the charismatic Julian Beau Kakusu, Y/m has pick up some valuable knowledge about said male. One, he was a prized pupil among the academy; admired and respected greatly. And two, he was a complete fraud. It became quite evident from the first time they met. Though the e/c eyed teen didn't know exactly the extent of his, 'issues,' she had already decided from that vet moment she was in no way interested in sticking around to find out.

But fate unfortunately seemed to have a different set of plans for the h/c. Either faith, or the devil in disguise that currently should before her, decided it would be fun it mess with her a while longer.

"Well considering it's you, this is quite the improvement Y/n!" Julian said with a overly sweet tone, a sinister aura hanging around him, making Y/n slightly shiver. His smile grew wider, a marvelous glint in his eyes too subtle for anyone who hasn't already seen his other side to catch. But the stoic female had already had a taste of it, only a small bit really, but enough for her to infer his character better than he would have expect from someone as simple looking as her.

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