SP Part 1

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No One's POV

They say that when you're a surgeon, you dont have time to date. If you are really determined to have a life away from the hospital, then you'll make time. Ayy'verynn Alexander, well, Dr. Ayy'verynn Alexander, is one of thoes determined ones.

She graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. She did her surgical internship at Seattle Grace Hospital in Seattle, Washington. Now, she's a NeoNatal surgeon there.

She is engaged to the one, and only, Jackson Avery.

Ayy'Verynn's POV

I was standing at the nurses desk writing in my patient's chart, when Meredith Grey passed me.

"Dr. Ayy'verynn Avery has a nice ring to it," she laughed, coming to stand by me.

"Haha, funny. No, I'm going to stay with my maiden name, Dr. Grey," I mumbled closing the chart.

"No she isn't. Ayy'verynn, we talked about this." Jackson chided, coming to stand behind me.

"Babe, it just sounds weird: Ayy'verynn Avery." I responded.

"Well it fits your personality. Ayy, if you haven't noticed, you're weird." Jackson laughed.

"Jackson Avery, you did not just call me weird." I glared playfully.

"Yes, I think I just did. What are you going to do about it?" He joked.

"I'll deal with you when I get home." I smirk, walking off.

Avery's POV

I was looking at Ayy'verynn walk away while leaning up against the nurses desk, when I heard some of the new interns talking.

"Wow, Dr. Alexander has an ass on her," one of them said.

"Her ass? Look at her boobs..." Another mumbled.

"Both of you, skut now." I sneer, turning around.

"But I'm supposed to be on Dr. Grey's service," the first complained.

"I'm sure she wont miss you. Next time think before you comment on my fiancè's ass and boobs," I said walking away.

"Dude, did you know that was his fiancé?" I heard one of them say.

"No." The other pondered.

I just laughed to myself and continued walking.

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