Ayy'Verynn POV
I was in Lexie's room plottimg a way to sneek to Jackson's room. Lexie was in te bathroom and i went to sneek out but April was standing at the door.
"Where do you think you are going?" She asked.
"Just to get some food." I said.
"I'll go get it for you." She said.
"April i will run you down if you do not let me out this room." I said.
"Alex!" She yelled.
"Ayy'Verynn just go back in the room." He said.
"Fine." I said goimg back in amd closing the door.
"Lexie are you almost done." I asked.
No answer
I walked into the bathroom to see if she was done.
"Lexie?" I asked.
No answer.
I walked towards the door and opened it. I then saw a sight i never thought i would
See."Ayy'Verynn its not what it looks like." Lexie said.
"Oh really because it looks like you are taking a shower with my FINANCE!" I yelled.
"Ayy'Verynn im sotry." Jackson said.
I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys
Meredith's POV
I was the table eating when i heard screaming upstairs. Then Ayy'Verynn ran down the stairs and out the door. Then Jackson and Lexie came down right after her.
"What the hell happened?!" I asked.
No answer
"What in the hell did you do?" I asked.
"I made a mistake." Jackson said.
"You had sex with him Lexie?!" I yelled.
"It was a mistake." She said.
"Oh my god. How in the hell is that a mistake.?" I said.
"It just happend." Jackson said.
"Well you better hope Derek doesn't kill you." I said.
"Please Meredith just give me time to talk to her." Jackson said.
"Fine but you better talk to her soon." I said.
*Ring Ring*