SP Part 19

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Ayy'Verynn's POV

I walked with Addison and she preped me for the blood test.

"Now you are going to feel a pinch."she said.

"Addie i'm a doctor i know what a needle feels like." I said.

"Sorry sometimes i forget." She said.

She took my blood and sent it to the lab for testing.

"The results will be back in an hour." She said.

"Alright thanks." I said.

"Did you tell Jackson?" She asked.

"No i dont want to overwhelm him with 2 kids." I said.

"I still cant believe you are okay with this. Ayy'Verynn youbout of all people i thought you would have kicked him out." She said.

"I know but after the plane crahs and Lexie dying and everything. I cant sit there and let life pass me by while i'm stuck in the past." I said.

"I know but he cheated on you." She said.

"Ypu cheated on Derek and you wamted a secomd chance." I said.

"Okay your right but this is twice." She said.

"How many times did you sleep with Mark?" I said.

"Okay okay i get it." She said.


Jackson's POV

I was going to the lab to get my results for my patient.

"Hi i need results for Dr. Avery." I told the tech.

"Here you go." He said.

I looked at them and was immediatley comfused. My patient is a man why is a positive pregnancy test on here.

Ayy'Verynn's POV

It had been an hoir and i went to get my lab results.

"Results for Dr. Alexander-Avery."i said.

"Here you go." The tech said.

I read them and was confused. Wait i dont have anything to do with a prostate. Oh god there must have been a mix up.

"I believe you are looking for these."i heard a very firmilar voice say behind me.

"Jackson why do ypu have my results." I said going to grab them.

"Oh im sorry there must have been a mix up. To many Averys." The tech said.

"Really i am Dr. Alexander-Avery." I yelled.

"Don't get mad at him. When were you going to tell em you were pregnant." Jackson said.

"Those are for a parient." I said.

"Oh really so you have a patuents who's name is also Ayy'Verynn Nikkhole Alexander-Avery." Jackson said.

"Fine Jackson i am pregnant." I said.

"When where you going to tell me." He asked.

"When i was 100% sure i was pregnant." I said.

"I had a right to know." He said

"I know i was going to tell you i jut wanted to bs sure." I said hetting annoyed.

"Alright we will talk about this later." He said.

"What ever you do don't tell Derek."i said.

"Tell me what??"

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