Bailey's POV
I was in tbe research lab when Meredjth rushed in.
"It's Ayy'Verynm." She said out of breath.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Owen hit her; she lost consiousness twice and is bleeding." She said.
"Wait what Owen Hunt hit her.?" I said.
"Yes now we need your help." She said.
"With what i am a general surgeon." I said.
"We need your help with Jackson. Calm him down he is going to hurt Owen." She said.
"He needs to be hurt." I said.
"No now he needs to be with his wife. Do you really want the first thing she sees when she wakes up is a police officer asking for bail money?" She said.
"Alright i am coming." I said.
Jackson's POV
I was outside the trauma room because they wouldnt let me in. God is hould have never let them ise her like this.
"She's going to be alright." Dr. Bailey said sitting next to me.
"Why did he hit her. She is 5 feet tall. She's shorter than you no offence." I said.
"Have you met your wife when she's mad. She is like a 7 foot tall monster when she is driven about something. I know that isnt an excuse to hit her but the point is she's a fighter." She said.
"Thanks Dr. Bailey. What if she loses the baby?" I said.
"You will get back on the horse and try again." She said.
"Thanks you always know what to say." I said.
"Your welcome."she said.
"She is awake and alert. Her CT is fine." Derek said.
"What about the baby?" I asked.
"I'm sorry but she lost the baby." He said.
"Does she know."i asked.
"No i dont think thats the news you want to hear from a brother." Derek said.
"Thanks." I said walking into the room.
Now i get to tell my wife she lost our baby all because of this stupid deal.....