Jackson's POV
I helped Ayy'Verynn down to the conference room. I made sure she was the first one in there before I called the others.
"I don't see the point of doing this. If Alexander isn't here." Callie said.
"But Alexander is here." Ayy'Verynn said.
"Your back?" Callie asked.
"I got discharged 30 minutes ago. So if that qualify as back then I guess I am." She said.
"Yeah that's back let's do it." Callie said.
"Okay get the first doctor with a proposal in here." She said.
"That would be me." Callie said.
"Okay what do you go?" Ayy'Verynn asked.
"My cartilage research. 200,000 dollars." Callie said.
"Jackson do me a favor and grab my glasses out of my bag please." Ayy'Verynn asked.
"Right away dear." I said grabbing them.
She read over the papers and looked up.
"I vote yes anyone else?" She said.
"Yes""Okay it's settled you have the money Callie. Next." Ayy'Verynn said.
"Wow she's fast. " Christina said.
"That's how she used to run her lemonade stand when she was a kid." Derek said.
"Dr. Russell is next." I said.
"Who?" Ayy'Verynn asked.
"Head of Cardio." I said.
"Oh right the guy asking for 12 million." She said.
"It's cutting edge research. " Christina said.
"Then you pay for it. We don't have the money." She said.
"Is this about Owen?" Christina said.
"That is defiantly poking the bear."I mumbled.
"Excuse me?" Ayy'Verynn said.
"Is it about Owen hitting you.?" She asked again
"No this is not about Owen hitting me or killing my child or making my seizures come back. This isn't about that. I am not punishing you in any type.of way. We don't have the money." Ayy'Verynn said
"Fine." Christina said.
"She is right we just don't have it." Arizona said.
"Alright." Christina said.
"Guys there's a storm coming we have to prepare." Owen said
"Alright this meeting is over. Let's get prepared." Ayy'Verynn said.
Ayy'Verynn's POV
"Owen." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm not mad anymore. I forgive you." I said.
"You don't have to." He said.
"Yes I do I forgive you. And guess what?" I said.
"What's that?" He said.
"I'm pregnant again." I said.
"That's great. I promise I won't lull this one." He joked.
"You better not or I will kill you." I said.
"Hug it out.?" He asked.
"Hug it out." I said hugging me.
"She rose above." I heard from the door.
"I'm proud." Jackson said.