Hunt's POV
I was meeting with the board when Ayy'Verynn passed by again.
"Dr. Alexander is there something i can help you with?" I asked.
"Yes anymore of my realatives you want to put in a plane and make it crash?" She said.
"Look what is your problem." I said.
"You are my damn problem Owen." She yelled.
"What have i done." I said.
"The list for what you havent done would be shorter." She said.
"You are out of line Alexander." I said.
"No i am not out of line. What do you expect. You told me to think about finding another job after my accident." She said.
"It wasn't ideal for you to come back after your brain injury." I said.
"Are you kidding me. This is not about my brain function. This is about the fact that you didnt want me to work here in the first place. You wanted to keep Addison here. Well to damn bad." She yelled.
Ayy'Verynn's POV
I was arguing with Owen when he got bad and pushed me. I fell back and hit my head on the floor. I breathed slowly as the darkness consumed me.
Jackson's POV
I was lookign for Ayy'Verynn when i heard her scream. I ran towards the conference room to see her on the floor in the hall and Hunt standing in the door.
"What in the hell did you do?!" I yelled.
"It was an accident. I didnt mean to hurt her." He said.
"You hit my wife. You son of a bitch i should kill you." I yelled getting up and pushing him up against the wall.
"Woah what happened.?" Christina said from the door.
"Your bastard of a husband hit Ayy'Verynn." I said letting him go and going to see about her.
"Owen what the hell." Christina yelled.
"I didnt mean to she was in my face. It was a reflex." He said.
"She's 5 feet tall for god sakes what damage could she possibly do." I said.
"I'll go get Derek." Christina said.
"Ayy'Verynn baby wake up." I said shaking her.
"Hunt what in the hell did you do to my sister?" Derek yelled.
"I'm sorrh it was an accident." He said.
"Ayy'Verynn can you hear me." Derek asked flashing a light in her eyes.
"The baby."she said in a faint voice before losing consiousness again.
"What did she say." Derek asked.
"The baby. She's bleeding. I need a gurney now!" I yelled.
"Hunt you better pray you didnt hurt my child or i will sue the hell out of you for assult." I said running after my wife.