Jackson's POV
I was sitting in the room me and Ayy'Verynn shared just starring at the ceiling as she talked.
"I mean we can't move now. We have a baby on the way. April is having your kid you can't just move away. We have no family in California. Who is going to be there at 3 am when the baby won't stop crying." Ayy'Verynn went on and on.
"I know." I said for about the millionth time.
"If you say i know one more god damned time Jackson you will ne er have another child." She said.
"I'm just saying you aren't weighing the options. UCLA wants you to be a teacher." I said.
"Jackson i have a MD and a PHD i did not go through all that schooling to become a teacher." She said.
Derek's POV
"I think it's going our way." Callie said listening at the door.
We shouldn't be listening to their conversation." Meredith said.
"Oh shut up. If i weren't at this door right noe you would be the first one." Callie said.
Ayy'Verynn's POV
I was in the room still trying to get through my husbands head that i dont want to move.
"Oh come on Jackson i have weighed the options. I am not throwig away a career as a surgeon to be a teacher." I yelled.
"How in the hell are you going to be a surgeon and a mom Ayy'Verynn. It isnt ideal." He said.
"Oh really your mom did it. Meredith is doing it. Callie and Arizona are doing it. Kepner is going to do it. What is so bad about me doing it." I yelled.
"They arent my kids! That's the problem. You see how i turned out. I dont want that for our kid." He said
"If you are askimg me to choose my career or my child. Get the hell out.!" I screamed.
"I am not asking you to choose. I am asking you to think." He said.
"Think about what?! How you want me out of that hospital so you acn screw everyone and anyone who looks at you!" I yelled.
"You know i have aplogized many times for what i did. You just love to bring it back up any chance you get." He said.
"Well i wouldnt have to bring it up if you would listen." I said.
"I am listening Ayy'Verynn i am listening. I want my child to have a mother more that 2 hours a day." He said.
"How do you think i feel. I want my child to have a father more than 2 hours a day Jackson. Life isn't perfect. We are both surgeons this is our careers. No matter when or how we bring a baby into this world it will be loved." I said.
"I know it will be loved. Fine we will stay in Seattle. We need to make a schedual though. For the baby." He said.
"We have a long way to go." I said.
I hugged him but was interuped by cheering out side the door.
"Go away!" I yelled.