2 weeks later
Ayy'Verynn's POVToday was my fjrst ultrasound. Of course everyone wanted to be in the room. When i say everyone i mean everyone. From Derek to Dr. Webber.
"Okay only 3 in here at a time." The ultrasound tech said.
"Okay Meredith Callie and Arizona." I said.
"But im the dad." Jackson said.
"Trust me you dont want to see that." Richard said leading him out.
"Okay so Mrs. Avery you look to be about 8 weeks along." She said.
"Is the baby healthy?' Callie asked.
"Yes it is healthy." The tech said.
"Thank you." I said as she walked out.
"So how are youfeeling about this?" Callie asked.
"I'm okay i guess." I said.
"How are you dealing with the Kepner situation."Callie asked.
"Oh you mean how do i feel about my husband helping raise the child of the woman he cheated with." I corrected.
"Well i wasnt going to put it exactly like that but yes." Callie said.
"I'm not feeling to hot about that idea but i am willing to work with it." I said
"You are stronger than me Ayy'Verynn Avery." Callie said walking out.