Jackson's POv
I risbed into the hospital to be met with Callie, Mark and Arizona.
"What in the hell is wromg with you?!" Callie yelled hitting me.
"Im sorry it was a mistake."i said.
"You better hope she makes it because if she doesnt i will kick your ass." Mark said.
"You know Bailey is looking for you." Arizona said walking away.
Oh great now i get my ass kicked by Bailey.
"Avery! HERE NOW!" Bailey yelled.
"Y-yes ma'am" i said.
"What- in -the -hell- is -wrong- with - you." She said hitting me with every word.
"It was a mistake please stop hitting me." I said.
"i will stop hitting you when she makes it out of surgery okay." She said hitting me some more.
"Wait sugery?!: i said.
"Yes your fiance is in sirgery because she was thrown through the windsheild of her car. Because she has a cheating fiance." Bailey yelled.
"Look Lexie came onto me. I didnt mean for any of this to happen. I love Ayy'Verynn. You have to believe that." I siad.
"I know you love her. We all do. But im going to tell you this. When she gets ojt of surgery run." She said walking away.
"Wait why?" I said. Then it hit me.
She flew through the windsheild so she is going to have brain damage. Oh god.
Derek is going to kill me. . . . . . .