Jackson's POV
walked in her hospital room trying to smile but i failed.
"I lost the baby didn't I?" She asked.
"Yes I am sorry." I said.
"What do you have to be sorry about its my own dumb fault." She said.
"No it wasn't you had no idea of knowing he was going to hit you." I said.
"Jackson I lost our baby because we want to go behind unicorn or whatever and buy the hospital." She said.
"It will be alright we can make another baby. We will have a hospital. You are going to be on the board of directors." I said.
"Can we wait till this deal actually goes through. I can't handle the stress." She said.
"Of course as long as you want." I said.
"Am I interrupting. ?" We heard from the door.
It was Christina with Owen.
"Get him away from me." Ayy'Verynn yelled.
"Ayy'Verynn calm down he just wants to apologize." Christina said.
"Apologize for what killing my baby?" She yelled.
"You lost the baby?" Christina asked.
"Yes she lost the baby and she doesn't need this stress." I said.
"I am so sorry." Hunt said.
"Well sorry isn't going to bring back my child now is it." I said.
"Jackson." Christina yelled.
"No I'm not dealing with it just go." I said.
"Jackson she's seizing.!" Christina yelled.
"Page Sheppard." I said lowering the bed and keeping he jaw from locking.
"How long has she been seizing?!" Derek asked rushing in.
"10 minutes." I said still holding her.
"Ayy'Verynn!" He yelled.
She started to calm down and stop seizing.
"All I had to do was yell her name?" I asked.
"She had epilepsy as a child. Yelling her name helps her brain relax. It's rare for that to stop the brain from seizing." He said.
"Is she suppose to be on medicine." I asked.
"She hasn't had a seizure since she was 11. This is the body's way of telling her to slow down. She has been dealing with a lot lately and her body isn't adjusted to the stress level." He said.
"So this isn't going to keep happening." I asked.
"No it shouldn't if it does when she was on the medicine she only had 1 seizure a day." He said.
"She won't have a way of know when it happens though." I said.
"She starts to smell strawberry when she is about to have one." He said.
"What if she is in surgery." I said.
"She starts to smell the strawberry and she tells someone to take over." Derek said.
"So she falls on the concrete floor and bust her head open." I said.
"No she know what to do Jackson. She sits on the floor and has her seizure. She gets back up and goes back to surgery." He said.
"Alright when will we know more." I asked.
"I am going to keep her over night and run some test. The fall may have made her brain hit her skull it may have hit the part of the brain that was affected when she was having the seizures." He said.
"So all we can do is wait."