Awkward Moments

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This is a Loooooooong Update❤✌❤❤💕💕......

Seohyun woke up feeling happy that she is finally with her family and friends and her luhan oppa. She always likes to be with luhan, his presence makes her perfect and his absence makes her empty. She knows that she likes luhan and she is going to marry him, but she does not realises that she is in love with him. She is to naive to understand that. She likes to be with luhan, the way he takes care of her and the way he treats her makes her very touched. She stirred in her bed thinking about her future.
While thinking she got a text message from luhan wishing her a 'good morning', its been their habbit, luhan is the very first person to wish her in the morning and greet her a 'good night' before going to sleep. Seeing the message an unknown smile forms on her lips.
After taking a bath she went down to join her dad in breakfast.
"good morning appa" she kissed her dad cheeks and sat in her place.
"good morning princess" her dad smiled tenderly.
"when is luhan coming ? princess" her dad asked her.
"oppa will come by noon appa, he is with his friends now and also sica unnie" she replied munching her toast.
"oh then why didn't you join them dear?"
"oppa didn't alllow me to" she said and pouted. "he told me to take rest, saying that i came only yesterday so i should take rest" she sulked showing her tantrums.
"oh my dear he is concerned for you" her father giggled at her action.
"hhmpp i want to go there also, but lulu oppa forbided it" she pouted making a face.
She got a message and suddenly her mood changes into happy one
"yeah :) sica unnie messaged me she said all of them are coming this evening to see our appartment " she grinned like a kid.
"ok that's good my princess, now eat and get ready luhan will come in few minutes"
"i have time appa, luhan oppa will come by 12 only" she munched on toast.
"my dear princess i have to ask you something" there was a sudden change in his voice.
"what is it appa?" she asked while blinking at her father, bread crumbs were in her cheeks making her look like a cute squirrel.
"omo look at my princess, too cute like a baby" her father wiped away the crumbs using tissue.
"you do know that we arranged between you and luhan right princess?" he eyed the girl tenderly.
She nodes her head like a little kid.
"so princess do you have any objections regarding that, i know you like luhan, and he is a close friend of you from school, and he is the best man whom i can hand my lovely daughter and i trust him fully for you my dear"
"aniyo appa, i don't have any objections since you always do the best for me and oppa's parents also ok with this so i dont have any objections appa" she said to her father.
"aah my child i know you never disobey me but luhan wants to know if you love him or not, i hope no one comes in between you both" her father thought while patting the girl's head lovingly.
"ok appa i have to unpack the gifts i brought for all of you, i will be in my room call me if you want anything" ske skipped to her room.
"baby girl, realise your love for luhan soon, so we will be happy to see you both and our grandchildrens" her father thought while sipping his coffee.
Seohyun was in her room taking all her gifts for her friends and family members.
While doing it, she got a text from luhan saying that he will be there in an hour to pick her up, so she left them and went to get ready.As time pass by luhan arrived after meeting exo.
Luhan was waiting for her in the living room, her father suggested to go upstairs to her room, he went to her room and knocked her room door, he heared her response and footsteps were nearing the door, she opened the door too excitedly so skipped her step and closed her eyes in fear while falling to the ground, a hand reached her waist and hold her closely to his body, as she felt the familiar warmth of luhan she felt relaxed and hold on to his shuolder for her grip, still her eyes closed.
"Don't worry princess i will never let you fall, i will hold you safely forever" he whispered in her ear.
Chills ran down her spine and cheeks and ears were beet red. Whenever luhan says these kind of words to her she feels like flying, she knows that luhan speaks these king of words only to her and he treats her like this always.
For others luhan is a cold person who talks a litte and never flirts with girls. But for her she is a pure gentleman and a caring fiance to be. She does not know how to name their reationship, cause luhan is not her boyfriend and at the same time he is not just her friend because the way she sees other EXO boys and the way she sees luhan is entirely different. Luhan has never dated anyone. They went to same school many girs have tried to firt with luhan but he never minds them. She knows he always cares for her the most. Luhan has a few girls as friends and the way he treats them and the way he treats her is entirely different.
Her trail of thought were intrupted when luhan started speaking to her.
" Princess i love to hod you in arms like this forever but now we have to see my omma and the way your maids see me is slighty creeping me out, and dont worry we have all our time in our aprtment " he said and winked at her.
The girl once again got blushed and burried her face in his chest pouting "yah lulu oppa, pLease stop it" she hit his shoulders.
"ow my aegi is blushing" he caressed her hair and moved her slightly to see her face.
"oh oppa i almost forgot i bought gifts for all of you, wait i will get them" she scurried to her room.
"oh you are no fun, here i am saying things in a romantic mood and there she scurries to get her gifts for my cockblocker friends!" luhan sighed eyeing the girl who comes to his side rushing with few paper bags containing gifts.
"give to me princess i will carry them for you" luhan reached for her hands.
"oh they are heavy oppa i will carry half of them" she said handing him only half of the bags.
"oh come on princess what kind of man am i ? if i let you carry them?" luhan went to grab the remaining bags but the girl was stubborn as always.
"no oppa its not fair if you carry this much weight and by the way these are not heavy for me so lets go oppa its getting late ommonim will be waiting for us" she grabbed luhans free hands with her and went down dragging him.
"this is why i love you more princess, any other girl will give every things to their man, but you always care for me, am so lucky to get you princess" luhan thought while been dragged by you.
"appa we are going" seohyun said to her father and kissed his cheeks.
"ok princess, i will be late today for dinner so be with luhan for dinner, i will call you before coming home" he kissed his daughter's forehead and patted luhan's shoulder.
"ok abbonim we will be leaving, i will bring her back after you come back home " luhan said goodbye to her father and went with her.
While reaching his car luhan placed the things in the trunk, seohyun got a call from jessica and she was sitting in the passenger seat while answering the call. Seohyun forgot to put her seat belt while talking.
Luhan noticed it and went over to buckle it for himself, as seohyun was talking and she turned to luhan's side while she sensed that luhan was nearing her, so as luhan buckled her up and she turned and the same, her soft lips met with luhans soft cheeks.
Both of their eyes widen at the same moment at the unexpected kiss, luhan was blinking frantically to recall what happened and his ears become red all of a sudden. On the other side seohyun was also blinking furiously while regestering what happened.
She was brought back to her sense when jessica on the other line was yelling at her to reply her, she blinked and continued her conversation akwardly "aah si-sica unnie what we-were you saying before sorry i got carried away?" she fidgeted in her seat.
Luhan who did a fake cough and started the car to distract the akward movement between them.
Their ride to luhan's home was silent and they reached home to get greeted by over excited
"omma you saw my princess yesterday now you are acting like you are seeing her after a year!"
Luhan says to his mother in a slightly annoyed tone.
He gets hit in his head from his mother for that, "are you jealous that i am getting her attention fully ?" his mother wriggles her eyebrows playfully seeing her son pouting his lips.
"aigoo you can have her all you want after the marriage " she pats her son's shoulder.
"omma you are making her blush" luhan complained his nagging mom.
"ok ok now lets have lunch, i cant wait to see your appartment, i have made many plans" she said excitedly.
"why is mom so hyper today!!!" luhan thought while sighing.
"stop with making faces comes lets eat" she dragged them to the dinning hall.

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