Starting with a Work

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Seohyun and Luhan
with Chorong on Multimedia

luhan was irritated by the fact that mei lin will be working with his seohyun, he knows that seohyun is clever enough not to beleive mei lin blankly, so he is not afraid about that, he was irritated with the fact that mei lin may do something on her work, seohyun is much interested in the upcoming ramp. her wish is to become a great designer like her mother. it was her dream, so there is no way luhan will allow mei lin to disturb seohyun.
he called seohyun "hello"
"luhan oppa " she asked in a questionable tone because she heard him say that he had a meeting today, but he was calling her suddenly.
"hyunnie what are you doing?" luhan asked impatiently.
"am with sica unnie oppa, designing " seohyun replies while sketching her design.
"oh ok ok hyunnie i want to talk to you someting important, are you free now? luhan asked.
"oh what is it oppa? " seohyun asked while placing the pencil down.
"its about mei lin, well she came here this morning" seohyun signalled jessica that she will be back and went out of the room while listening the conversation.
before luhan could finish his words he was intrepted by a voice near seohyun. "hi seohyun, how are you?" mei lin said with a fake smile.
"oh mei lin-shi? am fine how are you?" seohyun who was got offgaurd replied her politely.
on the other line luhan was shocked hearing mei lin's voice near his seohyun.
"well am fine as always, so when did you return ?" she asked, eventhough she knew the answer.
"just 2 days before mei lin shi"
"oh i was very busy with my photoshoot and i returned the same day, even we had a date"
seohyun could not understand whom she is mentioning about.
"i mean with lu ge, he might missed me very much so he came to the airport to receive me and we had a dinner date" mei lin was lying to her.
"you mean luhan oppa ? mei lin -shi?" seohyun asked to clear her doubt.
"yes ofcourse him only"
"am sorry but are you sure that you was with luhan oppa that day ?' seohyun did not want to humiliate her so asked politely.
"yes am sure i was with him, we missed each other so lu ge asked me for a date once i arrived here, why? do you have any problem with that?"
suddenly a voice intrupted them "actually what my noona is trying to ask you is are you really dumb when you born or did you hit your head somewhere mei lin shi?"
they turned to see kai and suho nearing them while suho tried his best not lo laugh on kai's statement towards mei lin.
while luhan was burst out in laughter on the other end of the line hearing kai's comment.
"what? how dare you tell me like that?" mei lin yelled at kai.
"because luhan hyung and we were with seohyun noona that day and for your information luhan hyung had his dinner at noona's place with both families" kai said in a mocking tone.
suho and seohyun were supressing their giggles while mei lin's face went red in embarrasement.
she stomped away in anger with her manager.
"hello noona" kai greeted seohyun with a smile.
"hello kai and suho oppa" she greeted them happily.
"why did not you tell her straight away hyunnie?" suho asked her.
"oh oppa i don't want to hurt her but her bubble was burst out by our dongseng" she playfully ruffled kai's head.
"ah we hate her noona, she always comes in between you and luhan hyung! we hate her" kai says irritatedly.
"its ok kai- ah i can handle her" she replied calmly.
"oh seohyun noona did you disconnect your call? kai asked her seeing her phone was in her hands and a caller was on the line.
"omo i was speaking with lulu oppa!" she places the mobile in her ears "oppa are you on the line?"
"hmm yes princess i am" luhan said with a sigh.
"am sorry oppa suddenly mei lin-shi came and " she was intrepted before that.
"its ok princess i was going to warn you about her but she came before that, so are you going to ask her to be your model hyunnie? luhan asked her.
"i don't know about that oppa, i will talk to my manager about that, suho oppa and kai are her to discuss about that, we need kai for our advertisement and other publicity and suho oppa will be helping with the cosmetics because he owns his own cosmetic line"
"ok princess i will call you after my meeting and dont get disturbed by mei lin, if she does anything crazy just inform me princess i will handle it out" luhan said while entering the meeting hall.
"ok oppa sure,aneyong, see you later oppa " she ended the call.
they were discussing about their works and planning for the show. chen's parent's hotel place were fixed for the venue, all the necessaries were sorted out, and tao was helping them in planning and sorting.
seohyun was in her designing lab sketching while jessica was busy with some fabrics, after bidding goodbye to suho and kai both the girls were busy for their ramp work, they needed to finalise everything and should sort out them the next day so they can go further. the didnt have much time, they have to complete the whole work in 5 days time, then they will be selecting the models and work further.
seohyun was concentrating on the sketch that she didn't notice her mobile received some text messages from luhan.
luhan frowned while he didn't get any reply from her, he finished his work so he decided to visit her company.
seohyun finished her sketching and was now drapping on the manequins, she was busy with the male fabrics while jessica was doing the same for female costumes.
luhan entered her office and saw tao was working something " lu ge when did you come?" tao asked him.
"just now tao, how are the works going?" he asked while approching him.
"yes ge we are planning and sorting things down, but they are quiet nervous ge because this is their 1st show" tao answered him while arranging some papers in the file.
"where is seohyun ?" luhan asked while seeing through the file.
"they are in the design lab ge, the one which is in the 3rd room while you take a left side, and ge noona didn't have her lunch ,so please take her with you now and make her eat" he said
luhan frowned on hearing it "what she didn't eat yet? i will drag her now" luhan said.
"oh and tao thanks for helping her, i dont want her to suffer so only i asked you to help her, and i will be fine that you are with hyunnie and jess, they are kids and i am worried to let them alone" luhan said to tao.
"dont worry ge am doing this for you, kris ge and my lovable noonas, i love them both as i love you and kris ge so i will be with them, dont worry i will wushu if anybody disturbs my noonas" tao said to luhan.
luhan hugs tao and pats his shoulder and kris enters the office.
"oh duizang is here" tao said while taking his bag.
"so we have 2 little kids to feed now, come duizang time to take the kids from their kindergarden" luhan said while dragging kris.
"what ?which kids? "kris asks him confusedly.
"who else?both hyunnie and jessica! they dind't even eat and still working" luhan said to him.
"what my baby is working without eating?" kris shouts and stomps his feet in the hallway.
luhan grabs his hand and takes him to the opposite direction "you are going in the opposite direction duizang!!!" he drags kris with him.
jessica finishes her work and packs her things, "hyunnie come lets go"
"sica unnie you just go, kris oppa will be here by now in our office, i have some work and luhan oppa will come soon"
"oh ok ok hyunnie but don't stress too much ok" jessica patted her head and came out of the room, just when she closed the door and took a step back
"baby why didnt you eat lunch?" kris hugged her and burried her face in his chest.
jessicaa blinked back in surprise "hello oppa" she said innocently
"'" kris asked her in a threatening tone.
"sorry oppa i had some work" she replied while looking the ground.
"luhan you get your kid back i have to teach this little lady a lesson" kris said while eyeing luhan.
luhan nodded and went to the door.
"oh sica unnie did you forget anything?" seohyun asked without turning her head from the manequin.
"hello to you to little trouble maker" luhan said to her in a mocking tone.
"oh luhan oppa when did you come oppa?" seohyun turned and faced luhan while blinking surprisingly.
"why did not you eat your lunch hyunnie?" luhan asked while folding his hands neear his chest.
"oh i had work oppa and am not hungry" she said nervously while seeing luhan was in a serious mode.
"i thought we agreed that you should take proper care of yourself while working, but you broke the deal in the very first day" he said while sighing.
"oppa but i had some works and am not hungry" she said but as on cue her stomach grumbled making luhan roll his eyes.
"yes i beleive you!!! now you are coming with me to eat willingly, or am dragging you with me, which one do you prepare?" he asked her while nearing her.
"but oppa i still have some work!" she stomped her feet showing tantrums.
"" he said seriously.
"but oppa!!!"she was protesting.
"sorry princess i have no other way" he carried her bridal style.
she squealed and hold on to his neck for support
"oppa please i have to finish it before tommorow " she pleaded him.
"atleast eat before that princess please" he pleaded her.
seeing his expression she soften and burried her face in the crook of his neck.
"hmmm ok oppa but you have to help me at home because you are dragging me now" she said in a defeated tone.
"anything for you princess, now shall we get food for my baby" he walked to the entrance.
"oppa wait i have to get some materials first, just 2 minutes please" she said while seeing him.
"ok princess" he placed her down,
she got her bag and the other materials with her and turned to him.
"ok oppa we shall go now " she said to him "but on 1 condition" she said cutely while swaying her body to left and right side.
"yes princess" he asked her.
"piggy back me !!! am soooooo tired lulu oppa" she said cutely while spreading her arms.
"its my pleasure princess, hop on" he smiled and crouched down before her.
"yeah my lulu oppa is the best" she hugged him safely and kissed his cheek.
luhan's ears were red in sudden kiss "yeah yeah, be carefull princess" he hold on to her safely before walking.
suddenly mei lin was getting out of seohyun's office and gasped in schock while seeing them.
"ah i'm too tired to handle her now!" seohyun sighed in annoyance and burried her head in luhan's neck.
"me too!!! how about a little show off princess?" luhan holded her tightly.
"eh what is that oppa?" she asked confusedly.
"just close your eyes and hold on to me tightly princess, very tightly" he said
she was too confused to ask him why but did what she was been told, hold him tightly and burried her face on his neck again.
"ready princess" he picked up his speed while mei lin was approching them with smoke in her ears.
"lu ge why-" before mei lin continued her sentence luhan ran with seohyun on his back, holding her securely he ran pass mei lin.
it was in a blink of eye that they heared the squeal from the brat when they were in a lot of distance from her.
seohyun hugged him as tight as she could afraid that she will fall.
they entered the lobby and luhan reduced his speed from running to jogging they were met by seohyun's staffs who eyed them in awe, comments were heared like
"omo cute"
"ah i want a boyfriend like that"
"ah i envy them"
luhan reduced his speed when he was sure that mei lin was nowhere near them.
he went to his car and "princess we are here"
seohyun who was still in shock did not lift her head.
"princess i love to be like this but i need to feed the hungry little girl now, so get down baby" he cooed in her ear.
slowly she lifted her head and came back to her senses. she got to her feet and blinked back.
"oppa we are never doing that again!" she stated nervously.
hearing mei lin's voice again both of them rushed to the car and luhan started the engine, after a block away both of them burst out in laughter "that was great oppa" she said excitedly.
"yeah you should have seen her face" luhan said in between his laugh.
"but oppa we should not have hurted her though!" she replied softly.
"trust me princess we should handle her like this else we will be the one who are suffering!" luhan hold her hand while his other hand was holding the steering wheel.
"mm oppa" she hummed with a reply.
"ok now we shall feed my baby" he went for the retaurant.
after enjoying her late time lunch with luhan both went home.
they were in their study room.
"so oppa as you said you will be helping me right?" seohyun asked while taking her materials.
"ofcourse princess" luhan said with his famous eye smile.
"what should i do now princess?" he asked her.
"take rest for sometime oppa, i have some work, i will fetch you when i need you, until then you are free oppa" seohyun said while taking her sketch materials.
"oh ok princess, i have some work to do, i will be doing it on the couch, you take the study table." luhan said while opening his laptop and sitting on the couch.
after an hour and half, he finished his work and saw that seohyun was deeply concentrated on her work.
he viewed her, she was cute while doing her work, she will stick her tounge out a little while concentrating and frown alittle while she could not get it clearly and pouts her lips cutely when the results are not perfect according to her expectations.
he was enjoying his view, he wanted to taste her pouting lips so badly and cuddle with her, he wants to make her take rest while placing her head on his shoulder, he wants to be with her so badly but he was little hesitant that he may scare her, he knows that she was never in a relationship before and all these are new to her so he is waiting patiently for her, for these years he never liked anyone like these before, he wants to hold her in his arms and wants to make her feel his love towards her. he is not that good with words to express his feelings clearly to her, but he was confident that he will do that slowly. he will win her heart for sure.
a smile was formed in his lips while thinking about her.
suddenly he was intrepted by his anjel "oppa come here please"
"yes baby" luhan when to her.
he did not expect that she will use him as a replacement of her manequin
she was measuring him with her tape and noting down the measurements, she was very close to him that there was no big space between them, luhan's face was little red whenever she touches him for the measurement.
they have hugged each other before but he was the one who initiates it most of the time, he was standing there like a statue while seohyun was busy doing her work on him.
"oppa am going to drape on your body now so stay still oppa" she said while taking the pins and the fabric.
"ye- yes princess" luhan stammered while blinking innocently.
she did not notice his voice because she was concentrated on her work fully.
after finishing her work she noted all the things in her work sheet before turning to luhan.
"oppa why is your face so flushed ! are you ok oppa?" she asked while seeing his face full of sweats and and his cheeks and ears are little pink in colour.
she touched his forehead to see his temperature.
"i- i am ok baby, i will be back" he said nervously and rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm himself.
she did not notice the nervousness in his voice and packed her stuffs back.
"oppa what are you doing?" she asked him while coming downstairs.
luhan was sitting in the couch, "just sitting baby"
she stretches her hands which are sore after the long day of work, and sits beside him.
"oh are you feeling sore princess? let me help you" he reaches for her hand and massages them gently then moves to her shoulders to repeat the same.
"no oppa its ok" but luhan did not allow her to speak he continued on his work.
this time it was her turn to blush and go red under his touch......

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