Butterfly Kisses

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This is a very Loooooong Update ........... wish you guys dont get bored 😋😱😊😅

After their lunch they went to see their appartment it was a simple one with 1 master bedroom with a walk in closet and a guest room, there was a study room so they can do their work without disturbing each other.
"luhan dear but why are you planning to stay in a small house like this, why don't you both stay in a mansion?" Mrs lu asked him.
"no omma i am planning to be in this home until we are engaged, later i want to contsruct our mansion according our own desire, seohyun's idea and her wish is also important for that so as for the time being this house is enough for us omma" luhan said to his mother.
"aah my son! am so proud of you dear" she embraces her son with tears brimming in eyes.
just then seohyun came from upstairs, "lulu oppa i like the house its simple and beautiful oppa" she swinged his hand like a kid.
"aah am happy that you liked it princess:) " he placed his hand behind her shoulders.
"so omma do you think we need any more furtnitures?, so i can order them" luhan asked his mother.
"no luhan i think you have already made everything fine, so i think you both can shift here tommorow" Mrs lu said to him.
"ok omma " luhan beamed in joy.
"luhan oppa which one is my room?" seohyun who was wandering here and there asked him.
"the master bedroom has a walk in closet so you take that one princess, the guest room does not have a closet and also a bathroom, so i will take it."
luhan replied her.
"but oppa without it you will be uncomfortable, i will take the guest room oppa" she protested.
"no princess i can use the bathroom on the ground floor and i can share the closet in the bedroom with you so there's no problem" luhan replied.
"why don't you both share the master bedroom? i mean you are going to get married and it can fit both of you perfectly! so you two must share a single room" Mrs lu said in a firm tone.
both of them choked immediately, didn't expect this answer from her.
"what! why are you both this much shy? don't tell me you don't like my idea?" she raised her eyebrows with a playfull smirk.
"but - but we " they both stammered while blushing hardly.
"oh come on, am not taking a no for answer, you two are sharing the room together, and dont act like you are not interested with my idea, i know you both like it" Mrs lu said and eyed them both.
"ok omma " luhan replied with a nervous sigh.
"ok ommonim" seohyun replied while fidgeting.
"ok that's good and i will come by visit you both at any time, so dont try to cheat me,so when are your friends coming here luhan?" Mrs lu asked him.
"they will be coming in few minutes omma," luhan replied her.
"ok so i will leave now and you bring her home safely dear" she hugged seohyun and left the appartment.
"aah lulu oppa sica unnie is asking for address, here type her the address oppa" she gives her mobile to luhan.
luhan types the address and sees that her wallpaper is the one which she took with him before leaving for her studies, he was happy that she kept it as her wallpaper. while his wallpaper was seohyun doing aegyo to him before, he is happy that she also does the same thing like him.
'i know you like me but i want you to show it to me, i want you to express your feelling to me" luhan thought while handing her mobile back.
in few minutes all the EXO members and jessica came there and it was like a arcade place. seohyun gave her gifts to all of them and they all were happy. luhan was waiting for his gift but he did not get any so he was slightly upset by the fact. he thought that he will get it at the last but she didn't give any. so he was sulking and went to kitchen to grab some water to distract himself. jessica who noticed it nudged seohyun and told her to follow luhan.
she blinked "why sica unnie what happen?"
"you didn't get any present for luhan oppa, i think he his upset, did you forget to get him? go and talk to him" jessica told her.
"i didn't forget unnie, wait i will be back" she scurries to kitchen to get luhan
"lulu oppa lulu oppa lulu oppa" she was shouting on her way to the kitchen.
luhan who was drinking the water choked on hearing her screaming his name frantically.
"omo oppa!!!" she halts and pats his back.
luhan sees the worried and concern in her eyes, in a minute he forgets that he was upset with her.
"lulu oppa why did you choke, drink slowly oppa" she still pats his back soothingly while her other hand is holding his arm.
"am fine princess don't worry" he pats her head.
"mmm oppa are you upset that i didnt give anything to you, actually i got you a gift oppa, its that i kept your gift with the family members, while their's are all in the friend list, i forgot to bring the bag containing gifts for family members oppa, i will surely give your present once we get home" she said with a puppy eyes while blinking rapidly.
luhan was beyond happy that she is considering him as a family member. he was still in a doubt that she was considering him a close friend only. he knows that she treats him differently while she is treating her other friends which are exo members,but hearing this from her he feells like flying.
he suddenly hugged and showered her face with kisses, seohyun was dumbfounded and blushing furiously. luhan has kissed her before in forehead and cheeks but they were different from these. he was kissing her cheeks, forehead and nose. luhan lost his control and was giving butterfly kisses in her face and gave her a bear hug. seohyun who was still in shock burried her face in his chest and slowly brought her hands to hug him back.
their moment was intrupted by the innocent makane "hyung why are you sqeezing my noona?"
"aah great time to intrept sehunie!!!" luhan mentally thought while releasing her.
seohyun who was still embarassed faced the floor and was fidgeting with her fingers, she was not ready to face luhan now so she scurried away to hall to join others.
jessica eyed her suspisiously and nudged her "why is your face red? what happen?"
"no- nothing sica unnie" seohyun stammered.
"ok if you say so " jessica still didnot believe her.
then luhan and sehun came and luhan sat near her. "what happen sehunie?" jessica asked him.
"i dont know noona, luhan hyung was kissing and squeezing seohyun noona, poor noona i think she could not breath" sehun said innocently while sipping his drink.
"what !!!!!" all of them yelled unison.
"aww our seohyunie got her first kiss it seems" jessica song playfully while nudging the girl.
"unnie no we didnot kiss in the lips" she blurted out and facepalmed while seeing their reactions.
"so you want hyung to kiss you in your lips?" kai asked her and wriggled his eyebrows playfully.
her cheeks were hot and flushed in pink colour, she ducked her head down and burried her face in her hands.
"then you dont want luhan hyung to kiss you in lips?" kai asked again earning himself a smack in head from suho .
she burried her face in luhan's arms, "yah yah yah enough with the teasing, don't tease my princess" luhan glared them earning giggles from them.
"aah come on hyung kiss her already, we all know you both like each other then what?" kai was whinning.
she burried her head and refused to see them. "ok kids enough with the teasing lets move now, we shall give the love birds some time" xiumin said and started dragging the whinning kai with him.
"ok love birds we will see you tommorow, take care" suho said and dragged the two makanes with him.

soon all of them started to leave and kris and jessica was left.
"ok seohyunie i will leave now" she hugged her "now you both can kiss each other freely without any disturbance" she wispered in her eay making the later gasp in shock.
kris patted luhan in shoulder and bid goodbye with his girlfriend.
now the room was akward between them, both were contemplating on how to start a conversation, while she got a call from her father, "princess i will be attenting a party and arrive late so today you should stay in luhan's house"
"oh ok appa i will inform oppa, yeah yeah am with oppa only in our new appartment, take care appa, bye" she ended the call and informed him.
they went to luhan's appartment, luhan got a call and he has to meet a cliet now, he told her to take rest and he will return in an hour.
there was no one in the home Mr and Mrs lu were also at the party and the maids were busy, soon it started to rain, seohyun who loves rain started playing in the rain.
luhan entered the home after his work searched for her, the maids said that she is in upstairs, but he found the rooms empty and he saw her playing in the garden from his room balcony, he rushed to her afraid that she may get sick.
"what do you think you are doing little lady?" luhan's tone was not fine and he was irritated.
seohyun blinked and turned back, she was standing like a little kid who stole a candy and got caught.
"he he lulu oppa anneyong" she said dripping wet from the rain.
he sighed and pulled her wrist to the home "how many times have i told you princess not to play in the rain? what if you get cold?" he asked her while dragging.
she was pouting and didn't reply his question. he brought her to his room and made her sit on the couch, he was towel drying her head while she was playing with the hem of his shirt.
"wait here princess" luhan said and went to his closet. he brought her his t shirt and short pants.
"here, this is the smallest one which i have, i think may be they fit you, go and change princess" he gave her them.
she got the dress and went to the bathroom to change, after she came out she saw luhan was eyeing her from top to toe, seeing her in his dress was something he did not expect. he liked that.
"lulu oppa are you angry at me ?" she was fidgeting with the hem of her dress and facing the floor.
"aniyo princess" he pinched her cheeks softly and hugged her. "just don't play in the rain, am worried you will get cold"
she press her ckeeks in his chest and nods her head.
"ok come princess dinner is ready"
he brought her downstairs and finished their dinner while chatting.
now they were sitting in the couch in his room.
"so princess when are you going to join your appa buisness?" luhan asks her while caressing her hands in between his hands.
"tommorow oppa, i will help appa in his product line and also have to release my own clothing line, which i will do it with sica unnie"
"so how are you going to start it?"
"we have planned to do a ramp walk oppa, and invite the buisness people to it so it will reach them, its my first time so am quite nervous oppa"
"dont worry princess you will do a great job, and am with you for everything to help you princess" luhan replied her.
"ok oppa :)" she beamed and her eyelids were drooping.
"its time for your sleep princess, go and sleep" he brought her to guest bedroom.
"ok oppa i will see you in the morning, goodnight oppa" she yawned and rubbed her drooping eyes while lying.
"goodnight princess" he kissed her forehead and tucked her in the bed.
"mm lulu oppa stay with me until i sleep, i wont get sleep in new places quickly" she said to him.
"ok princess, i will hold you until you sleep" he was sitting in the bed and caressing her hair while holding her hand.
as time pass by she went to her dreamland hugging luhan's arms, "i think i have no choice but to sleep with you princess" he could not remove her hands from him, he dont want to wake her up, as he didn't have any choice he went under the bedsheet and turned off the night lamp,
she hugged luhan's waist and placed her face in his chest. unknwon smile was formed on luhan's lips. he was feeling very happy at the moment. he hugged her waist and closed his eyes.
"i hope you won't get shock tommorow morning princess" he thought while travelling to his dream land.

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