Episode 1 First day of school

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Quinn: Sees Brittany walks over to her

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Quinn: Sees Brittany walks over to her.

Brittany: sees Quinn walking over and smiles.

Quinn: Hugs Brittany I missed you.

Brittany: Hugs Quinn back I missed you too.

Quinn: pulls away how was your summer break?

Brittany: It was great. How was yours?

Quinn: It was amazing!

* With Santana *

Santana: Walks in to the school office.

Desk Clerk: How may I help you?

Santana: I'm here to pick up my class schedule.

Desk Clerk: What is your name?

Santana: Oh I'm sorry my name is Santana Lopez.

Desk Clerk: Hello Miss Lopez I'm Miss Pillsbury

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Desk Clerk: Hello Miss Lopez I'm Miss Pillsbury.

Desk Clerk: Hello Miss Lopez I'm Miss Pillsbury

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Santana: It's nice to meet you.

Miss Pillsbury: Your new here Miss Lopez?

Santana: yes But please call me Santana Smiles.

Miss Pillsbury: OK Santana here is your schedule and the keys to your dorm room.

Santana: Thank you Miss Pillsbury walks out of the office bumps into someone.

???: Falls on the floor ow

Santana: Oh God I'm so sorry. Are you OK?

???: I'm ok gets up with Santana's help. You must be new here?

Santana: Yes my name is Santana Lopez.

???: My name is Rachel Berry. Nice to meet you.

Santana: Nice to meet you too.

Rachel: Well I gonna go hope to see you around and walks away.

Santana: me as well walks away.

* 2 Hours later with Brittany and Quinn *

* 2 Hours later with Brittany and Quinn *

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Quinn: Walks up to Brittany Hey

Brittany: Hey Quinn. How was class?

Quinn: It was good. How about you ?

Brittany: Great. So would you like to get lunch?

Quinn: That sounds good. Let's go

Brittany&Quinn: Walks away.

* With the guys *

Finn: What's up guys How was your summer break?

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Finn: What's up guys How was your summer break?

Puck: Break was awesome. How was your summer break?

Artie: Mine was good.

Mike: mine was good too.

Finn: Mine was fun. So Puck why was your break so awesome?

Puck: I met this girl and she is amazing.

Artie: Really Puck that's awesome

Finn: So who's the lucky girl?

Puck: Her name is Anna

Mike: I'm happy for you man.

Finn: Can't wait to meet her.

* With Brittany *

Brittany: Walks in to class

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Brittany: Walks in to class. Sees someone.

???: Sees Brittany. Glares at her

Brittany: Rolls her eye's. Sits in her seat.

???: I hate that Bitch she says to herself

This is the first Episode so tell me what you think.

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