Episode 9 First time (Part 3)

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Brittany: Moving up and down. Moaning to the feeling of Santana inside of her again.

Santana: Enjoying every feeling that's going through her body. Moans

Brittany: Goes faster while moving back and forward. Moaning Oh God!

Santana: Starts to feel her body starting to twitch to the feeling of every movement Brittany makes while riding her. Moaning even more!

Brittany: Feels Santana starting to Twitch and goes harder and faster.

Santana: Decides to take over and sits up still holding on to Brittany.

Brittany: Sees that Santana is taking over and let's her. Moans Santana's name.

Santana: Smiles to the sound of Brittany calling her name. Starts to thrust inside of Brittany. Moans Oh God Brittany.

Brittany: Throws her head back moving her body to the rhythm of Santana's movement.

Santana: Thrusting harder and faster. Hearing the sounds of they're skin slapping against each other. Moaning everytime she thrust inside Brittany.

Brittany: Feels her center tightening up. Know she is about to explode again. Starts Kissing Santana with passion. Enjoying every moment and every feeling going through her body.

Santana: Feels Brittany's center tightening up. Moans to the feeling kisses back. Goes deeper and at that moment feels an explosion. Breathing heavy but continues to go deeper and starts to go faster. Knowing that Brittany hasn't had her orgasm yet.

Brittany: Feels Santana exploded inside of her. Knowing why Santana is still going. Feels her center getting tighter and just then feels that explosion. Breathing heavy looking in to Santana's eyes feeling that spark!

Santana: Stops knowing Brittany is satisfied. Looks back in to Brittany's eyes leaning forward and kisses her with more passion then before.

Brittany: Still Kissing Santana. Thinking to herself did we just make love or was it just sex? Yes it was just sex says in her mind

Santana: Pulls away looks at Brittany. Now are we done? says with a smile.

Brittany: Laughs. Yes we are done. Why do you want more?

Santana: I would love to have sex with you again. Just not tonight says with a smile.

Brittany: Smiling at Santana. So you want to have sex again?

Santana: Yes I would but only if you want to? Gets up walks away.

Brittany: Hey! Where are you going?

Santana: To take a shower walking into the bathroom.

Brittany: laying in the bed thinking. Did I just have sex with my best friend? I mean amazing sex! Smiling.

Santana: Waiting for the water to warm up. Thinking to herself. Did I just have sex with Brittany? What does this mean? Steps into the shower.

Brittany: Get's out the bed and slowly makes her way to the bathroom. Sneaks inside the shower with Santana not noticing her.

Santana: Washing her hair not knowing Brittany is standing behind her. Starts to feel arms coming around her waist. Turns around slowly looking in to Crystal blue eyes. Thinking wow her eyes are beautiful.

Brittany: Looking into Santana's dark brown eyes. Leans in

Santana: Leans in Kissing Brittany passionately. Pulls her closer.

Brittany: Kissing back with love putting her arms around Santana's neck. Pulls away slowly and says wow.

Santana: Pulls away thinking the same thing wow!

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