Episode 12 Never Again

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*Last time*

Brittany: Santana we need to talk about this!

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Brittany: Santana we need to talk about this!

Santana: There is nothing to say. Takes a deep breath, turns around and walks over to Brittany. Brittany look I'm leaving in a week. Now that I know Rachel is ok. It's hard for me to be around you and I can't do this anymore. Get's up and walks to the door. Turns back around again and looks at Brittany, I'm sorry but this is done and I'm leaving and I don't want to see you anymore it just hurts to much. And walks out of the room. Starts crying as she walks away.

Brittany: Falls back on the bed. Crying hard thinking what have I done!? I lost my best friend and the one that I fall in love with! Crying screams please Santana I love you!

Santana: Walks out of the building crying! Thinking to herself, Santana stop go back and tell Brittany how you feel about her! Crying more

*The next day at the Hospital*

Rachel: Laying in the bed talking to Quinn laughing

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Rachel: Laying in the bed talking to Quinn laughing.

Quinn: Laughing with Rachel, hears someone at the door looks over sees Santana. Hey Santana

Santana: Hi May I come in?

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Santana: Hi May I come in?

Rachel: Yes please come in. How are you doing?

Santana: I'm good, how are you feeling?

Rachel: I'm doing good. Thanks to Quinn being here. Smiles at Quinn

Quinn: Looks at Rachel and smiles back. Get's up I will leave you two alone to talk.
I will be back later gives Rachel a kiss and gives Santana a hug. Bye

I Love You, I Love You More! BrittanaWhere stories live. Discover now