Episode 2 Beauty

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* At the Library with Brittany *

Brittany: Sitting at the table studying

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Brittany: Sitting at the table studying.

Quinn: Walks in sees Brittany walks over.

Brittany: Reading a book. Looks up sees Quinn hey

Quinn: Hey Brittany. How are you?

Brittany: I'm ok. Thanks for having lunch with me earlier.

Quinn: No problem I enjoy catching up with you.

Brittany: looks up and sees a beautiful Burnett.

Quinn: Looks at Brittany. What are you looking at?

Brittany: Doesn't hear Quinn. Still looking at the Burnett.

Quinn: Follows where Brittany is looking at. Smiles when she sees what Brittany is looking at.

Brittany: Thinking to herself. She is so beautiful!

Quinn: YELLS Brittany! Do you hear me?

Brittany: Snaps out of it. Looks at Quinn sorry what did you say?

Quinn: Smiles at Brittany. She is pretty?

Brittany: looks down blushing.

* With Santana*

Santana: Sitting at the table studying

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Santana: Sitting at the table studying.

Rachel: Walks in the library sees Santana walks over.

Santana: looks up oh hi Rachel

Rachel: Hey Santana How are you liking it here?

Santana: I like it a lot so far. Would you like to join me?

Rachel: Sure sits down talking to Santana.

Santana: So what are you studying for?

Rachel: To be a History teacher. How about you?

Santana: A lawyer like my Dad.

Rachel: That's cool. Your Dad must be proud.

Santana: Looks down sad yeah I hope so.

Rachel: Sees Santana is sad. Are you OK?

Santana: Yeah I'm good I have to go. See you later walks away.

Rachel: OK sure see ya walks away.

* Next day with Brittany *

Brittany: Sitting in the park leaning against a tree thinking

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Brittany: Sitting in the park leaning against a tree thinking.

Quinn: Sees Brittany walks over to her.

Brittany: Thinking!

Quinn: Sees Brittany. Hey! What are you doing?

Brittany: looks up at Quinn oh hey. Just thinking about stuff.

Quinn: Oh that sounds like fun! Giggles
Well I was thinking us girls go out tonight there is this new club called Fantasy Island. I can call the others.

Brittany: Yeah that sounds good.

Quinn: How about I pick you up at 7pm?

Brittany: Sure I will be ready.

Quinn: Hey Brittany Are you OK?

Brittany: Yeah I'm good just thinking that's all.

Quinn: Oh OK but if there is something on your mind and you need to talk I'm always here for you.

Brittany: I know and I really appreciate that.

Quinn: Smile! So the girl in the library?

Brittany: Blushes What?  I think she hot and so did you.

Quinn: Your right I do think she's hot but I like someone else.

Brittany: Really! who? Do I know this person?

Quinn: Yes you know her but I'm not saying anything to you.

Brittany : Why?

Quinn: Cause you will say something and you will tease me.

Brittany: I will not do that to you. Smiles!

Quinn: Yes you will. Come on let's go get ready. Gets up sees someone OMG!

Brittany: OK let's go Stands up. What? Looks up what the fuck!

I hope you like it so far!

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