Episode 22 ( Protect )

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Alice: That's unbelievable!

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Alice: That's unbelievable!

???: Sure is

Santana: Turns around Eye's go red Fangs come out! Stands in front of Brittany.

Mila: Runs over and stands next to Santana to help protect Brittany.

Alice: Stands on the other side of Santana.  Who are you?

???: An old friend

Santana: Growls! The fuck you are!

???: Come on Santana be nice.

Santana: Leave now or I will kill you!

???: I will leave but Brittany comes with me.

Santana: The fuck she will! Runs to them


Alice: Steps in front of Santana stopping her.

Santana: Move Alice!

Bo: No Alice stay right there and hold Santana back.

Alice: Holding Santana back. Think about Brittany and the baby Santana!

Santana: Breathing fast!

Bo: What are you doing here Dani?

Dani: Well Well Well if it isn't Bo! How you been? Long time no see.

Bo: What do you want?

Dani: That bitch! Points at Brittany

Santana: No fucking way!

Bo: Sorry Dani I can't let you take Brittany.

Dani: Really!? Whistles 5 people come out. So Bo are you still going to stop me? Let me introduce you to some of my friends. This is Scar,Liz,Emma,Jen and Brenton.

 This is Scar,Liz,Emma,Jen and Brenton

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Bo: No not me but they will. 8 people come out. Well let me introduce my friends. This is Bella,Rosalie,Jamie,Allison, Emmett,Liam,Ryan and Michael.

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