Episode 16 Promise

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*Last time *

Mila: So Brittany Can you tell me who Sebastian and Dave is?

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Mila: So Brittany Can you tell me who Sebastian and Dave is?

Brittany: Looks at Mila eye's widen It's a long story Mila

Mila: I got time

Brittany: They.....They......Looks down they....raped my sister and made me watch. Starts crying

Mila: Grabs Brittany and pulls her into a hug. Oh God Brittany I'm so sorry! Holding her tight. Does Santana know?

Brittany: Shakes her head no. I don't want her to know. Pulls away wipes her tears away.

Mila: Brittany you have to tell her! Did they touch you?

Brittany: No Mila she doesn't need to know! No they never touched me.

Mila: You know if she founds out she will kill them.

Brittany: I know and that's why she doesn't need to know.

Mila: Ok But I think you should tell her. I gotta go to work. I will see you later.

Brittany: Ok I will see you later. Walks out

Dave: Watches Brittany leave. Should we grab her now?

???: Not yet I have a few more things to do and then we will and no one will be able to find her

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???: Not yet I have a few more things to do and then we will and no one will be able to find her.

Sebastian: I can't wait to be inside of her. Her sister felt good and so did Rachel but something tells me she will be amazing.

???: No one touchs her until I'm done with her!

Dave & Sebastian: Nods ok let's get out of here.
* With Santana *

* With Santana *

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