Episode 7 Crush

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* Last time *

???: I have a plan

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???: I have a plan.

Sebastian: Who are you?

???: Don't worry about who I am. Do you want to hear my plan or not?

Sebastian: Ok let's hear it.

???: We will need a place that we can hold her and no one will find her.

Dave: Ok and how are we going to do that?

???: I will take care of that. You just Focus on a plan to kidnap her. But wait until I tell you too. Walks away

* With Marley *

Marley: Sitting in the garden studying

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Marley: Sitting in the garden studying.

???: Well hello beautiful

Marley: Looks up and smiles. Hello to you to Kitty.

Kitty: What are you doing out here?

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Kitty: What are you doing out here?

Marley: It's so peaceful and beautiful out here.

Kitty: Yeah I can understand. But your more beautiful.

Marley: Blushes and leans in

Kitty: leans in kisses Marley.

Marley: pulls Kitty closer deepens the kiss.

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