Episode 24 (Mine)

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Brittany: Looks ahead VIN LOOK OUT!

Vin: Slams on the breaks. Turns to the right. Starts rolling

Danielle: Knocked out Bleeding from her head.

Claire: Knocked out Bleeding from her right side.

Vin: Leaning against the steering wheel. Knocked out

Brittany: Vision is blurry. Hears the door open and looks. Eyes widen Blacks out.

(With Santana)

Santana: Something doesn't feel right about dad.

Mila: What do you mean?

Santana: I think he is hiding something. I just don't trust him.

Mila: Santana he is our dad he would never hurt us.

Santana: Mila trust me something is not right with dad.

Mila: Signs ok Let's find out.

Santana: What are you going to do? Just walk up to him and say oh hey Dad Santana and I feel like you're hiding something. Really?!

Mila: Shakes her head No Santana I'm not stupid. We are going to keep an eye on him.

Santana: Nods ok

Mila: Have you heard from Brittany?

Santana: No A matter of fact I'll give Rachel a call now. Calls Rachel

Rachel: Hello

Santana: Hey Rachel Is Brittany there yet?

Rachel: No not yet

Santana: She should be there by now.

Rachel: Maybe they stopped to get a bite to eat.

Santana: you're probably right just give me a call as soon as she gets there.

Rachel: Okay I will Santana. Hangs up

Santana: Hangs up

(5 Days later with Brittany)

Brittany: Sits up Holds her head ow. Looks around

???: Walks in Oh I see your awake now. Smiles

Brittany: Eyes widen

???: What's that look for? Didn't you miss Me?

Brittany: Nick!!

Nick: Hello beautiful smiles How is my baby doing?

Brittany: I'm not your baby Nick. Just let me go.

Nick: Don't play stupid Brittany. You and I both know that, that baby is mine.

Brittany: What are you talking about?


Brittany: No Nick the baby belongs to Santana. You asshole!

Nick: Your lying to me and yourself. When we made love I never used a condom.

Brittany: Eye's widen. We never made love you raped me.

Nick: I can see that look in your eyes. Your not sure about it now are You?

Brittany: No Nick the baby is Santana's.

Nick: Grabs Brittany's face You and I will be together forever with our baby.

Brittany: Get the fuck away from me you crazy bastard.

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