Episode 19 (Lost in your mind)

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Last time

Santana: walks closer to Dani! Dani I'm not going to tell you again let Brittany go! Her eye's are starting to turn black

Dani: You know what Santana? Maybe I should just kill you. Points the gun at Santana.

Brittany: Sees Santana's eyes turning black. Not knowing what is happening to Santana.

Santana: Fuck this I'm not going anywhere! Runs at Dani!

Mila: Hears gun shots BANG, BANG, BANG. All 3 seconds apart.

*With Mila*

Mila: Runs inside the house. Screaming Santana's name over and over again. But there is no answer.

Reese: Runs in with Mila. Screaming Brittany's name and again no answer.

Finn: On his phone calling 911.

911 Operator: 911 What is your emergency?

Finn: Tells the operator everything. Hangs up they are on there way.

Rock: OK Finn you and Sam stay out here with girls and make sure this 2 assholes don't move.

Finn: Nods his head.

Vin: Hears Mila and Reese scream runs in the house.

Rock: Runs in with Vin screams where are you?

Mila: Yells back basement!

Rock: Runs down to the basement. Sees what happened OH MY GOD! Are they breathing?

Reese: Yes but not to good! Holding her shirt to Brittanys chest to stop the bleeding.

Mila: Crying Rock she is barely breathing! Hold her shirt to Santanas chest and neck.

Vin: Takes his shirt off to help put pressure on Santanas neck.

Rock: Hears the sirens coming. Hey where is Dani?

* 3 Hours later *

Mila: Pacing back and forward waiting for the doctor's. I'm going to kill Dani for this!

Reese: Sitting down Rocking back and forward crying. Remember's something!

Quinn: Sees the look on Reese's face. What's wrong?

Reese: DAVE! Where is Dave?

Mila: Stops! Looks at Finn Did you see Dave?

Finn: Yeah he went in the house with Dani.

Rachel: So where is he?

Finn: I never saw him leave. Eyes widen wait wait I left to come meet up with you. So maybe he left then.

Rock: You're probably right but that's OK we will find him.

Sam: Standing over by the window. Sharing outside.

Mila: Walks over to Sam. How are you doing?

Sam: Turns and looks at Mila with tears in his eyes. I can't lose my best friend Mila! I love her! She is like a sister to me.

Mila: I know Sam. She is all I have lefted in my life.

* 3 More hours go by *

Doctor : Walks out to the waiting room. Miss Lopez and Miss Pierce family?

Mila: Runs over! How is she?

Doctor: We got the bleeding to stop! She lost a lot of blood. The bullet missed her heart by an inch. But the bad news is she is in a coma.

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